Monday, December 10, 2012

ujian dan cabaran - tanda Allah rindu

Assalamualaikum guys..
ana bru terbaca sebuah artikel drpd seorg hamba Allah ni..
beliau diuji dgn begitu hebat dan ana brharap usaha beliau untuk kembali ke landasan dipermudahkan Allah...

ana sendiri akui dalam hidup ni,
kita akan sentiasa diuji..

kadang2x ana sendiri tertanya-tanya..
kenapa ana diuji sedemikian rupa..
x sayang ke Allah pada ana?
atau mgkin kerana ana trlalu byk dosa?

tapi bila ana muhasabah blik..
ana trigt kata2x umi..

umi kata:
kalau Allah uji..
itu tanda Allah sayang..
sebab Allah sentiasa igt pada kita walaupun kita sentiasa lupakan Allah..
dan Allah nak kita sedar walau apa pun yang berlaku,
Dia sentiasa ada..

Allah juga uji kita,
sbb Allah rindu.. kdg2x hidup kita ni trlalu 'smooth' sampai kita lupa pada Allah..
kita lupa betapa pentingnya utk mnjaga hubungan dgn Allah..
solat kita pun x brmakna..
dan sedar x sedar Allah rindu kita...

Allah rindu nak dgr rintihan kita di dalam sujud
Allah rindu nak makbulkan hajat kita dlm setiap doa
dan Allah tunggu saat2x kita sebagai hambaNya menyedari bahawa Allah sentiasa ada untuk kita..

dan Allah nak kita tahu,
di saat manusia tidak mahu mendengar rintihan kita,
Allah sentiasa ada..
Dia sentiasa setia untuk mendengar apa jua keluhan kita..
dan di saat manusia tidak mampu untuk menunaikan hasrat kita,
Allah sentiasa ada.. Dia sentiasa berlapang dada untuk memakbulkan hajat kita
tengok janji Allah:

"Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu mengenai Aku maka (beritahu kepada mereka): sesungguhnya Aku (Allah) sentiasa hampir (kepada mereka); Aku perkenankan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila ia berdoa kepadaKu. Maka hendaklah mereka menyahut seruanku (dengan mematuhi perintahKu), dan hendaklah mereka beriman kepadaKu supaya mereka menjadi baik serta betul.(Al-Baqarah Ayat 186)

tapi kita kenalah berusaha dan berdoa..

sedar x sedar,
dalam dunia ni xde sesiapa pun yg suka dgr keluhan kita selain Allah..
dalam dunia ni xde sesiapa pun yg nk dgr prmintaan kita setiap masa selain Allah..

jadi berbanggalah sekiranya kita diuji..
kerana Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa, yang mempunyai berbillion-billion hamba,
ingat pada kita :)

p/s: sama2x kita mendoakan kebaikan untuk hamba Allah trsebut dan satu sama lain ^^

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

ada apa dengan 'ana'?

Hari ini ana teringin untuk berkongsi sebuah ilmu yang ana perolehi daripada sahabat ana yang menuntut di MITIB (Maahad Integrasi Tahfiz Istana Bandar)

Secara kebetulan ana dipertemukan dengan sahabat ini yang merupakan classmate ana dahulu..
Ana terdetik untuk bertanya kepada rakan ana,
sama ada menggunakan ana enti ini adalah suatu keperluan atau bukan..
sudah semestinya ana menyoal segala kemusykilan yang berkait dengan isu ini dan Alhamdulillah sahabat ana mempunyai jawapan kepada semua persoalan ana..

Ana: Skrg ni maahad (MAHISS) nak guna balik istilah ana enti.. tapi ana x pasti dimana kelebihan istilah tersebut..pada ana, aku kau, kita awak kan sama jugak.. bukanlah sesuatu yang menyalahi syariat.. lagipun itu cuma kata ganti nama diri je.. Ada beza ke penggunaan ana enti dengan aku kau?

Hajar: Oh.. betullah tu.. dua2x kata ganti nama diri, tapi, ustazah kita pernah cakap, ana enti ni kan bahasa arab.. bahasa arab kan bahasa syurga, jadi kalau kita nak masuk syurga, kita kenalah biasakan diri dengan bahasa syurga dulu.. sebab itu ana enti ni lain sikit sbb dia bahasa syurga.. Dan.. lagi satu, kalau munierah perasan, kalau kita guna ana enti ni lebih terjaga sikit, sebab bila kita bercakap menggunakan ana enti, perbualan kita akan terhindar dari perkara2x yang lagho, contohnya mengumpat dan sbgnya..

Ana pun terbayang:
"Eh Eh enti semalam kan ana tengok si fulan tu kena cuci tandas sekolah.. padan muka dia"
dan ana rasa memang impossible nak cakap macam tu,

lainlah kalau:
"Eh Eh kau tau x, semalam kan aq tengok si fulan tu kena cuci tandas sekolah.. padan muka dia"

so, ana pun tanya hajar lagi:

Ana: Tapikan hajar, kalau kita nak dekat dengan org contohnya budak2x yang bukan dari sekolah agama, kan kalau kita guna ana enti diorg rasa pelik.. Ana lebih selesa guna kau aku supaya diorg rasa yang ana ni approachable dan mudah didekati.. Kalau macam ni lagi senang nak rapat dgn diorg.. X peke?

Hajar: Ha.. betullah tu.. kita kan nak rapat dgn diorg.. bolehla guna kau aku ke.. awak kita ke.. tengok yang mana diorg guna supaya nak dekat dengan diorg.. kalau kita guna ana enti kan mesti diorg pelik n x biasa, nnti ssh nak dekat dgn diorg.. bolehlah kalau nak guna, mungkin slow2x suatu hari nanti kita boleh ajak diorg guna ana enti..

Jujur ana katakan ana berpuas hati dengan jawapan hajar.. maksudnya, cara perbualan kita itu haruslah kena dengan tujuan.. kalau tujuan untuk mendekati para mad'u (org yg ingin didakwah) tiada salahnya menggunakan panggilan lain, lagipun secara logiknya, jarang untuk kita berbual perkara2x yang lagho dgn org yg bru kita kenali.. tetapi dengan mereka yg memahami agama, lebih elok kita amalkan panggilan ana enti agar perbualan kita terhindar daripada perkara2x lagho..

Sekian sahaja kali ini.. Ana harap entri ana kali ini mampu memberi jawapan kepada mereka yang masih tertanya-tanya mengenai keperluan menggunakan ana enti..

Wassalam :)


i) stigma

sebagai remaja,
jujur ana katakan ana mempunyai tanggapan/stigma yang sama seperti para remaja yang lain..
ana rasa hidup sebagai remaja harus easy-going dan enjoy dahulu..
zaman remaja hanya sekali..

tetapi ini bukanlah bermakna bahawa ana berpegang kepada pepatah hidup mat rempit yang mengatakan hidup cuma sekali, bila dah tua barulah bertaubat.
cuma ana rasa hidup tidak perlu serius..
hidup ini harus berfikiran terbuka dan sebagai remaja bukanlah menjadi tanggungjawab ana untuk memikirkan masa hadapan..
sesuatu yang masih terlampau jauh menurut perkadaran ana sebagai remaja..

ii) agama

jujur ana katakan,
ana tahu,
malah ana cukup maklum bahawa remaja merupakan aset yang PENTING buat agama..
ana lebih selesa menggunakan istilah agama daripada negara kerana pada hari ini ana lihat sebuah kekurangan di dalam kamus kehidupan kita, iaitu agama..

kita terlalu sibuk membangunkan negara dan bangsa, kita ingin mencapai kemajuan tetapi kita lupa kepada satu-satunya perkara yang mampu menjadi pokok dan pangkal atau menjadi sebab munasabab kepada apa jua keadaan yang akan berlaku pada hari ini dan masa hadapan.
iaitu agama..
ibaratnya, kita ingin membina menara yang cantik dan gah tetapi kita terlupa untuk membina asas kepada menara tersebut..
dan tanpa asas ini, mungkin menara itu masih boleh berdiri tetapi kita semua tahu bahawa:

1)berdirinya menara itu hanya menunggu masa untuk jatuh
2)sesuatu telah hilang daripada menara itu yang membuatkan ianya rapuh seperti tulang belulang si tua di dalam kubur

iii) realiti hari ini

agama dan politik ibarat air dan minyak..
pantang bercampur..
agama dan hiburan ibarat langit dan bumi..
takkan pernah bersatu..

iv) konklusi

1) ana x pernah jelas tentang pendapat yang mengatakan bahawa hidup harus sentiasa berhibur dan bergembira kerana ana tidak pernah merasa benar2x terhibur dengan hiburan dunia
2) memang agama belum menjadi asas atau basic foundation kepada sistem kita hari ini.. tapi ana tidak akan duduk termangu seperti kerbau di kandang menunggu seseorang melakukan perubahan.. biarlah ana, dan sahabat2x seperjuangan yang menyedari bahawa hakikat agama adalah asas kepada semua binaan memulakannya terlebih dahulu
3) politik dan agama, tetap satu.. hal ini kerana agama adalah asas, ASAS kepada semua hal walhal politik yang diangkat darjatnya sekalipun.. dan ana yakin ISLAM, agama yang ana pegang pada hari ini merupakan cara hidup yang terbaik yang mampu dimiliki oleh semua insan dengan mengaplikasikannya di dalam kehidupan.. hiburan? boleh.. tetapi harus menurut syariat dan agama

Friday, November 30, 2012

And finally, we learn

it's been such a long time i haven't updated my entry..
thinking that nothing makes me want to write so far..

my parents went to turki and we all were left all home alone
seeing that this might be a hard time for us since we are not really good with the younger ones
i just think that it is a half-half..
things might work miraculously..
or they just can turn out to be things that are beyond imagination
but we just have to face it..
it is reality..

a week before they left, mom keeps telling me to be good to my lil sisters..
and i tried i do try it just that it's hard to make them listen bcoz we are not that close
and to be honest they are stubborn..
just like us. we all are nearly the same,
we have the same base means the way we accept and react on things is mostly just the same

i can say that we all are very hard to accept things in condition that is not in our favour
sounds arrogant eh?
to me myself, i can accept advice.
i really can.
but only sincere advice and in the way that will make sense to me..
i hate when people ask you to do a favour, or change but they just throw everything on your face
like you're not human.. you don't have feelings..
i know as human i always do mistakes.. i would love to be better
it just that the way people tell me that i am wrong or i need to fix certain parts means a lot to me..

and i tell you,
it applies to all of us.
we usually against things that were forced on us..
just same copy-cat,

and one more thing that we are similar in..
we may be stubborn and don't listen to whatever people say,
we play life by our rules,
but when it comes to mom, nothing else matter.
everybody listens to mom.
even though we disagree with certain things,
but we all the five of us respect and love our mom whole-heartedly
if people do what we don't like, we may call it a war
but when it's mom, it's time for discussion..
the way we respond to things that we don't like may be different..
but the point is everybody respect mom and listen to her..

both my lil sis,
when everybody tells them to stop whatever they're doing,
they will not listen and usually things will become worse..
but once mom says stop dear.. they just melt..
that stubborn head kids will melt just like butter and they really do look like a 'real kids' when my mom approaches them..
it's not that i'm telling bad things about them right now..
it just things from my view before my parents left..
actually i think that things happen like that is because of us, the eldest fault too..
but i just don't want to expand the story here,

mom tried so hard to unite us, her children..
we are just good when the eldest didn't mix with the youngest..
but you know them the young ones, i mean they have 3 elder sisters kut..
of course they want to join in..
but we just don't let them to because they will ask a lot, complain about things and the most unlikely things, fight..
and mom she told me many times in different ways that i should love and care my younger sisters..
it is not just about love.. but it is about being just on things and to always be there for each other helps fixing ones bad so everything is perfect..
nobody else can fix this, the relationship.
just us..

and since i'm the first, i was taken aback a lil bit because i think that i already try to make up with them.
it just that it is so hard to make them listen..

but some of mom's words just got into my mind..
she told me that these children.. they are just kids, and at this moment, they want to be cuddle and love just like the other kids.. they don't want people to be mad at them.. they just want people to forgive them and love them just like a kid..

i don't know if my words didn't really interpret my mom's words.. but the point is,

as much as all of us want our childhood to be full of good memories,
sweet things and foolish mistakes,
they want to have it too..
we have grown up.. and we don't like to do mistakes any more..
but they are kids just like us before.. doing mistakes is fun.. during childhood time..
so we as the elder, need to tell them to stop doing this and that,
give them reasons.. BUT
no need for yelling and all, because they are just kids
and kids always like that.
so do i..

so when they left,
i made a few rules, brief them about how things are going to to be for the moment.. what mom and dad asked us to do while they're not home..
and i give each of them their own responsibilities..
because i want them to feel that they are actually important, mostly the kids..

i just planned, but the role as a leader of the house is put on angah mostly because i'm not at home during day time because i have tuition from morning till evening..
and angah needs to make sure things go according to what i've planned..
my rules are not that complicated.. basically it is what my parents want us to do..
i just make it sound more strict and clear so everything will go well..

the rules are simple.
everybody must pray together every prayer time (nobody is left behind)
after subuh and asr prayer everybody needs to read ma'thurat together
after maghrib prayer everybody must read Qur'an
and only eat when everybody is there because usually the young ones forget about their lunch time..
you can do anything you want in the morning as long as you stay in the house and you can play the computer after zuhr..

that's the basic part.

first day everything looks perfect..
but then when they started to fight, the young ones wanted to pray by themselves because they are mad  at the eldest and so on..
the pressure arise..
and we as the eldest talk to them..
and we are three so there's always a third person..
to make things well again..

and after our parents are not home for such time..
we just learn..
we just learn how to cooperate..
how to accept each other and tolerate..

we tell each other what's wrong and what's right,
how things should be better and surprisingly,
everybody has improved,
our relationship has also improved..

there're still small fights but it's not as bad as before..
i only realize this when my grandma told me how things before and now has changed.. and i am grateful to Allah for everything..

now i understand why mom talk to the kids softly and forgive them when they made mistakes.. why she doesn't just yell to them..

i totally understand it now..

i'm happy because finally, we all learn :)

p/s: ude got 5as and mumtaz!! we all hope she will become a hamidian soon! :D

Monday, November 5, 2012


i got many wishes.

in life,

i want peace, happiness and justice bound together,
then life is perfect and harmony.

i want my dreams come true,
i wish every single thing that i think is good will be granted.
like a princess in a fairy tale.

i want to draw the path of my life,
and see how life grows exactly like what i  imagine.

life, as a story of my own
exactly at the tip of my quill.


keep it safely with hard work and determination

everything will be paid as much as you work for it.

everything happens for a reason

just follow the flow and colour your path,
write your own story

remember, good story will always has a good ending :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

reason - why u r still living ur life right now

it turns upside down, back and forth, move to thousand directions you'll never know which r u heading for..
one day u'll be aiming harvard,
the other day u wake up and realize tht ur not there, ur in a local university instead..
thing just happen like tht,
u got good offers but ur mom ask u to stay with her so u hve to reject the opportunities..
it is a typical thing in life that it is full of surprise,
sometimes it's too much until u feel breathless..
too much things getting mixed up ur sight becomes blurry..

a story 
i got this scenario as a typical teenager when people start admiring certain type of person because they have an outstanding personality, bold than the other people.
they admire a person like that person is perfect,
nobody touches *pearson (example) and everybody will stand for what *pearson believe in
then they make comparisons and stuffs
and at that moment,
i start to get immerse in their thoughts that everybody should become like *pearson..

*pearson is a rule-breaker, #cool *to them
*pearson do whatever *pearson thinks is right

but i don't really like to do that stuff so i stop hearing what people say and think for a moment.

i want to listen to my own voice.

and for a moment i discover the fact that becoming urself is the true freedom in life
u don't have to act like u care if u don't
and the most important is, ur not living a fake life
people tht got along with you are the ones who really loves you for who you are,
they are the one whom,
have seen the true you, good and bad sides, and they choose to stay with you.
they are the one whom,
survived their life with you yet they regret nothing about having you on their side,

whatever happens, stay with ones who are loyal to you..
you don't need to get everybody's approval that you are the one that they like/admire and so on..
you don't even need people to tell you what you should become..
you decide on what you want in life and find reasons why you do certain things..
because, when you got reason for your act, they just can't bother you..
and the world cannot deny what you're doing..
and the most important thing is,
you know why you are still believing in what you are believing right now.. because you have a reason for it

just live ur life right by becoming urself,
u have nothing to regret

that-so-random :P

p/s: some people love to live fake life, they want everybody to become fake because under their paradigm, it's cool. but think man think. why you do this, why you become this. don't be fool by ones thoughts :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


back then, i don't like to make choices..
for anything, coz i don't want to be responsible for whatever that may happen afterwards..
at least, i can blame somebody if something happen and not myself..
true i'm a selfish but i just like to be in my comfort zone not choosing and when something happen, the blame goes half-half,  the person who choose for decides and surely, bad effect goes to me *if it is related

coz i don't like feeling guilty when making mistakes, facing consequences and so on..
but the thing is, whenever i succeed doing something, the feeling is limited, coz yeah still it's not what i really want, it's somebody decision that i've followed..

and after things happen like that for certain times, i realized that people tend to make decision for my life coz they know that i can't make even one on my own..
and suddenly, it exceeds to a point which annoys me coz i'm not living my own life...
i'm not pushing myself to decide, pursue what i want and most importantly, face the consequences that happen afterwards...


but then i wake up and i realize that i'm not living a happy life which is my OWN life..
coz if whatever happens, even an explosion, i won't regret every single thing that happen IF i'm the one who make the decision.. i will be satisfied enough for myself.. at least for at least if somebody want to say anything about what happen and so on, i will say shut up, i've made my decision and you, get off my way..
you're no longer precious in my life HAHAH...
coz the thing is, people would never understand you, even if they put themselves in your shoes..
they just don't, trust me!
you are the one who live your life and know what you're best at and what you're not..
and knowing certain reasons why you decide on something is satisfying enough than doing things without knowing the reason why you did that..
also, when you said, i've decided..............
it means, whatever happens afterwards, you'll step forward and face it!
and even if you stumble down, you will try and try your best to wake up.. you won't blame somebody for dropping you there and leaving you alone :)

and yes, this moment,
i want to make my own decision.. for my life and my future..
yes, i'm too young and i need advice, i don't deny that but i believe doing something whole-heartedly is more worth it..
i still listen to advice and so on, but then i want to decide whatever it is, on my own..

hahah i find that this is a huge improvement that happens in my life now,
it's like i've step forward to take that challenge.. i'm not a coward anymore and believe me, i just think that i've grown up :P

i want to chase my own dreams :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

losing is winning

today is the final stage for our project for TrEES..
i feel honored to join in this program altho i find it's quite frustrating for me since i'm not into this project since the early stage..
i prioritized my debate over mostly everything, i also absent during most of the time because of debate, i will never blame debate for that i just feel like i haven't done my job well.. hope He will forgives me..
i skipped a workshop coz i had MUSLEH tournament that time, and too many things to handle makes me bias to certain things that i think is the biggest priority at that moment..
since we got 10 members for TrEES that time, i believe that it's not something that i need to handle first.. coz  i need to lead certain things therefore i prioritized them because without a leader things would just don't work..
and i was sick during the exhibition.. we're fasting at that time and i feel rlly sorry seing my friends putting their best effort in preparing all those things.. again, God forgives me please...

but after i've settled down everything, means limiting my debate activities coz my mom has put a big stop to it, then only i began to participate more in TrEES..
i still go to debate training like usual but i can't go to tournament for this year, as participant, adj even an observer. that's my mom's rule..
then only i know more and more about what actually our project was and i realize that the students, they are actually enthusiastic about this thing, we just need to make the system works, that's it.

and after going through ups and down, finally we've made it to the final.. and i can't tell how proud i feel with our teachers and my team..and here today, we went to community hall in bangsar to exhibit our project to other schools..

we didn't win tho, but i feel proud of my team since we actually have made this, being through the challenges and obstacle to implement our project for our beloved nature, it's noble... :DDDD

and after that i met one of the judges which is dr.Rosli and he did compliment us for the project and he said that actually he gave  us the second highest marks for our project but there are still 2 judges and marks for our presentation and yeah, eventho we lost, he said he actually impressed with us and he hope that this project will be carried on after this and we promised him, it will... :)

and then as i finished talking to dr.Rosli, i met aunty Petwa and she hugged me :) Krista is also there and they said that we've already done a good job and it's hard to choose the winner because the marks are very close.. i said to them, i'm alright and we all will make sure this project will go on as a tradition in MAHISS.. btw aunty petwa is one of the judge and Krista is one of the TrEES organiser..

back from the ceremony,
i learn something important, everybody is there actually to support us, now we are the one who need to support ourselves and achieve our glory in this short life...

and i interpret losing today as winning.. coz to me, i've won, we've all won coz the real intention of this project is to save the nature and yes we have done it so it's a winning for everyone..

smile winner, smile

p/s: freaking out for exams xD

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


when you got nothing to say,
say nothing.

when you got nothing to think,
stop. thinking.

when you got nothing to search,
stop. searching.

when you got nothing to be cried,
stop crying.

when you got nothing to be  laughed,
stop laughing.

when you got nothing to do,
do nothing, just nothing

if you don't live in what you're doing,
stop..... just stop..
coz it's meaningless

Friday, September 28, 2012


The world is wide..

People come and go..
People say hye and bye..
One day we meet then the other day we were separated...

Things happen like that..
Some leaves are painful but some are not..
The thing is, we often make the same mistakes..
over and over again..
although we've faced the situation before,
but then, as normal humans we just forget about this one-simple-thing which is


we always forget to appreciate those who are still here..
with us..

but we waste our time and tears appreciating those who have gone..
those who we can't even talk eyes to eyes or see or laugh with or cry with..

then we forget about those who are still here..
who can actually lend their shoulders and heal our scars and wounds..
who will actually stand and protect us during hard times..
who will share their lovely smile and laugh with us..
we just forget...

one day, we might regret the fact.
that we,
has neglected the moment that we had with them..

so now, stop craving and crying for those who are not here..
but look behind you, look for those who actually still available there for you to share every moment with..

remember, APPRECIATE, one thing that you need to do before you regret :)

 lets share our laugh together, now :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

happy BURSTday!!!

today is kak raihan's birthday!!

and she's flippin fantastic *words tht i learnt from syakirah xD  coz:

1) she is always positive!!
2) she is a girl with lots of spirit!!*can we count spirit?? it's not tangible but meh who cares xD
3) she is always enthusiastic when it comes to debate!! tell her anything abt debate, she'll be thrilled
4) i tell you, she is a VERY VERY good listener :D
5) Lastly, she is incredibly AWESOME!! if you meet her, you better say hi or else you'll regret the fact that you just let her passed by you the whole life ^o^

and to kak raihan:
thanks for becoming my senior, i will never regret the fact that i know you :)
and you know what? you will never be old, coz you will look forever young, happy birthday :D

p/s: she knows that i love caffeine :P

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Ya Allah..
kalaulah aq diberi peluang untuk meminta satu perkara untuk dibawa sebagai bekalan hidup...
aq akan meminta supaya dikurniakan kesabaran..
kerana padaku,
kesabaran tu sangat2x indah..

dengan  kesabaran, batu yang keras dapat dilekukkan..
dengan  kesabaran, pisau yang tumpul dapat ditajamkan..
dengan  kesabaran, nyawa seseorang juga dapat diselamatkan..

dan itulah yang aq mahu..
seandainya aq cukup sabar,
aq dpt melenturkan hatiku dan hati mereka yang ingin aq dekati..
dalam erti kata lain, mereka yang aq sayangi..
seandainya aq cukup sabar,
aq akan dpt lebih memahami dan mendekati..
seandainya aq cukup sabar,
aq dapat mencapai apa yg aq inginkan..
iaitu, ketenangan dalam hidup..

aq sggup tukarkan smua yg aq ada demi satu nilai..
iaitu kesabaran..
aq harap aq blh bersabar dan bersabar lebih lagi... :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

life. it's pretty

hey life.
i just find you pretty today so i want to compliment you for being fashionable and creative yeah..
lots of love, me :)

note: i don't find writing a long post is amusing. so i just blog whatever i want at that moment even though it's short. coz blog, is my masterpiece :)

everything in this world is a lesson. you just need to dig it out to discover :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012


some people think that they've stand high..
very high from the rest..
but they are wrong.
ones would never be on the top of other people..
coz life, it's like a ball, it never stays but rotate.
and one day, top would be bottom and bottom would be top..

so, never look down to people :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

knowing that ur too late


im chasing the train.
i said stop! but it's gone..
i sleep and i wake up.
and i realize that everything is over..
i can't do much.
so i decided to let go and smile..
but deep here..
only God knows

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


"demi masa. sesungguhnya manusia itu berada di dalam kerugian, melainkan mereka yang beriman dan beramal soleh"

aq cemburu dgn masa... dia berlari trlalu laju... trcungap-cungap aq mengejarnya....
hidup aq.. semuanya tak teratur.. memang kalau nk kata im a gd muslim.. mmg x blhla..
aq nak jd muslim yg baik.. aq nak hidup dlm ketenangan.. tp aq masih x capai tahap tu..

hidup aq skrg pack sgt..
aq x thn kut.. smlm cikgu suruh aq kunci pintu bila nak balik.. aq pun setuju.. lps tu, sptutnya kul 2 lebih dh blik, tp cikgu pggil suruh training trees.. aq pergi gak.. then, aq pegi netball sbb aq main player.. aq yg mnx madi msukkn nama aq, takkanla aq plak yg x dtg.. so aq pun pegi gak.. smpt main satu game..

habis game dlm 5:15 camtu.. then aq ad tusyen lak 5:30-10:15.. aq pun rushing blk rmh, mandi, prepare brg..sgala bagai..
pegi tusyen lambat.. admath plak 4 jam..

n tau x aq lpe nk ttup n kunci pintu makmal chemist..
hri ni mmgla cgu bantai habis2x..
"kamu janji smlm------------------.... kamu ni TAK MENEPATI JANJI!"
aq pun mmg dh x larat dh.. aq nk pgi netball then tusyen lg hri ni.. same cam smlm..
so aq wat lantak pilah.. aq trus pegi pdg..
tp ble balik, aq trigt, pedih kut.. aq bz gler.. aq rse brsalah x kunci pntu tu.. tp aq lupa.. serius aq mmg klu byk sgt bnda n aq penat aq mmg mind block ah.. lpe smua bnda..

aq penat... sgt...
aq x taulah knp aq lembik.. tapi yg aq tahu aq penat

Friday, August 31, 2012


I love being patriotic... Hey man i might be a teenager but that doesn't mean that i won't care about my country, place where i was born.

I feel proud because i'm a Malaysian. I don't want to get to politic coz politic and patriotic is way a different thing. How? because even if we vote for different party, we can still be patriotic.. it doesn't matter coz i bliv everybody has their own opinion and way of view to make their choice for our government. But then we were born in the same country so no matter whether u r pas, mca or bn, we can still feel patriotic and celebrate this independence day together...

But then, what is so good about this independence day?
To me, it reminds me on how hard our armies had fight for us back then .. Their bloodshed and tears.. all into count..  Imagine if they still alive, believe me, they won't like to see the youngsters nowadays waste their young time to do useless things, become addicted to drug or what so ever. But, they would like to see this independence that they've fought for is worth it. They fought for us, the future generation, hoping that we can live better than them... Which means that we can improve in all aspects, not just from the aspect of intellectual , science and technology but then also from the aspect of morality because that is the one thing that they, the old ones have but we don't.

What is the difference?
People back then, they would sacrifice their live, their soul for their beloved nation which is Malaysia.. They won't never ever put Malaysia in a risky condition or betray their own nation.. But nowadays we can see that bribery is everywhere, people betrayed their own nation for money, people put their nation in harm for their own sake.. And that is heart-breaking! Because ones may got away with money and stuff but look to the impacts that they've left.. Bad things will leave marks.. Now, we cannot even trust people since there are so many crimes that have been reported, we feel insecure because our country is not safe anymore. The value of morality has totally decreases and what left for us are selfish people.. People who only care about their pleasures and never think of their future generation. That is the thing that happen nowadays.. and know what? we have the power to change it! change our attitude, be proud of our country, be sincere in your duty and all... we need to change our current status quo..

I wish one day, kids can go out and play happily without feeling insecure like nowadays..

Btw i have read interlok and bukit kepong.. guess what? i love both of them whole-heartedly.. so, i think maybe u nd to read them too.. coz it feels so real n it reminds u of those hard days where people sacrifice themselves, their family for their country...

if u don't like to read then watch patriotic movies.. i heard that bukit kepong is kinda good so give a try! ;)

read more abt bukit kepong incidents here =)

Im proud of them!

List of killed in action (KIA)


  1. Sergeant 3493 Jamil Mohd Shah (Bukit Kepong police chief)
  2. Corporal 7068 Mohd Yassin Haji Wahab
  3. Lance Corporal 7168 Jidin Omar
  4. Police Constable (PC) 3933 Hamzah Ahmad
  5. PC 5674 Abu Mohd Ali
  6. PC 7493 Muhamad Jaafar
  7. PC 7862 Abu Kadir Jusoh
  8. PC 8600 Jaafar Hassan
  9. PC 9136 Hassan Osman
  10. Extra Police Constable (EPC) 3475 Mohd Top Lazim
  11. EPC 3795 Jaafar Arshad
  12. Marine Constable (MPC) 60 Ibrahim Adam
  13. MPC 68 Awang Ali
  14. MPC 181 Basiron Adam

[edit]Auxiliary Police (AP) were killed in action (KIA) outside police station

  1. AP Redzuan Alias
  2. Embong Lazim
  3. Koh Ah Cheng

[edit]Non-combatants (Auxiliary Police (AP))

  1. Ins. Kudarina Naknok
  2. AP 2130 Samad Yatim
  3. AP Mahmood Saat
  4. AP 1925 Ali Akop
  5. AP 2127 Othman Yahya

[edit]Police family members

  1. Fatimah Yaaba - wife of Marine Constable Abu Bakar Daud
  2. Hassan Abu Bakar - son of Marine Constable Abu Bakar Daud
  3. Saadiah - wife of Constable Abu Mohd Ali
  4. Simah Abu - daughter of Constable Abu Mohd Ali

[edit]List of survivors


  1. PC 10533 Othman Yusoff
  2. MPC 37 Abu Bakar Daud
  3. EPC 3472 Ahmad Khalid
  4. PC 7645 Haji Yusoff Rono (died on 14 April 2005)
Note: All officers are deceased

[edit]Police family members

  1. Mariam Ibrahim - widow of Constable Muhamad Jaafar
  2. Zainun Muhamad - daughter of Constable Muhamad Jaafar
  3. Abu Samah Muhammad - son of Constable Muhamad Jaafar
  4. Zaleha - daughter of Constable Muhamad Jaafar
  5. Jamilah - daughter of Marine Constable Abu Bakar Daud
  6. Hussain - son of Marine Constable Abu Bakar Daud
  7. Fatimah Abdul Manan @ Timah Lawa - widow of Constable Hassan Osman
  8. Pon Khalid - widow of Marine Constable Awang Ali
  9. Fatimah Tuani - widow of Constable Hamzah Ahmad
  10. Edmund Ross Williams Hunt - orang asli who worked as a mountain guide at Bukit Kepong

Monday, August 27, 2012


true enough tht sometimes we tell other ppl stories about other person sbg alasan konon2x nk bncg n nk dptkan pndangan.. but the problem is that what is our real intention??

sbb dlm islam mmglah mengumpat tu dibenarkan dlm beberapa situasi contohnya utk mncari jalan penyelesaian dan sbgainya..

tp klu kita tgok skrg ni,, apabila kita brbincang, selalunya akan ad adegan kutuk-mengutuk dan kdg2x trheret sekali nama org lain dlm prbincangan trsebut sekali gus mmbuka keaiban mereka... Klaulah kita kata inilah cara yg islam benarkan, konfem2x kita dah terpesong lg terseleweng..

Sbb apa?? sbb dalam islam sndiri Allah melarang sekeras-kerasnya kita membuka keaiban org lain..

the truth is, x payah nk  bncg dgn ramai org pun.. kdg2x brbincang dgn sorg pun dh cukup untuk selesaikn masalah tu.. Tp syaratnya,, kita tgok dulu dgn siapa kita nk brbincang...

Kalau betul niat kita nk mmperbaiki si fulan trsebut dan nk berbincang dahulu dgn org lain,, nak mnx pndapat dan sbgainya, sudah semestinya kita akan mncari mereka yg benar2x layak untuk memberi nasihat.. mungkin kerana mereka dh byk mkn garam dlu.. atau lebih brilmu.. dan satu lagi, mereka yg kita nk cerita ni, haruslah org yg kita percaya bukanlah seorg yg suka mndedahkan keaiban org lain.. sbb tujuan brtanya atau brbincang bukanlah utk mnjadikan cerita itu sensasi atau diheboh-hebohkan di khalayak ramai.. tapi tujuannya adalah untuk mnutup keaiban org itu sebaik mgkin dan mncari jalan penyelesaian yg terbaik utk diorg..

Recheck balik setiap kali kita nk menyebut nama org lain dlm prbincangan kita tu.. adakah sekadar suka2x?? cakap kosong?? atau sekadar gosip?? sebab kalau kerana alasan2x berikut confirm2x haram dalam islam sbb mngumpat itu bkn dosa yg ringan tapi sangatlah BERAT..

kita tanya balik, adakah si fulan yg kita nk ajk brbincang ni mampu memberi pandangan yang terbaik dari sudut islam dan adakah selepas berbincang dengan dia, masalah ini mampu diselesaikan..

sebab secara jujurnya, apa gunanya sebuah perbincangan tanpa penyelesaian.. betul tak??
sbb itulah, pstikan kita betul2x teliti dalam mmbicarakan mgenai hal2x mgenai org lain..
cthnya, dgn siapa nk bncang, wajarkah disebut nama si fulan yg brsalah trsebut dan sbgainya..

akhir kalam,biarlah kita brusaha keras untuk mnjaga agama kita drpd kita memperlekehkan hukum hakamnya dan akhirnya kita tidak mendapat redhaNya..

wassalam :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Aidilfitri - The Truth.

It's raya!! finally we've made it soo far and Alhamdulillah we got to meet raya..
I feel blessed that He still give me the chance to rejoice and celebrate this noble month with my relatives and friends..
but the truth is, I miss ramadhan..
coz this year,, ramadhan feels very special to me..
it solves most of my question.. gives me a new sight to the world..
i dunno.. it just did..
the thing is,, it's over..
now it's syawal and for me it's unfair if i didn't enjoy my syawal as much as i enjoy ramadhan since syawal is also a gift from Allah to me..

by the way,
spending time back at our village is ah-mazing!!
seriously it's like kids convention here.. too many of them n sometimes it's breath-taking when they got their feet.. u know what i mean :D

it just that
this raya, we laugh, smile, chat and have fun all the way.. like the typical raya..
but it feels wrong here, when it comes to our brothers' and sisters' celebration out there..
i don't even call it a celebration.. because,,
it's terrible and horrible, what else? name it.. all the bad stuff..
they don't even have the chance to celebrate raya at all.. in fact, they are busy running for their lives, fighting for ISLAM..
and the truth is we don't even care about them...
we are selfish..
we just enjoy and have fun all day long and we forgot to pray for them.. at least..

these people out there,, they lost ones who they love every day..
they don't even have the same chance like us..
while others are worshiping in ramadhan,, they run.. run for their live..
while others meet relatives and tighten their bonds, they lost 'that bond' everyday..
sometimes they just cannot even care about that bond coz most of them are gone.. gone forever..

look! see! observe!

5 times a day,
we pray,
but we forgot them..

supposedly, we, as muslims shouldn't be selfish..we should feel the pain that our brothers and sisters are having..
we should pray for them.. we should remember them in every prayer that we made..

see what they are having now.. :'(

1) Rohingya

The buddhist 
They are human just lke us yet they've been treated lke slaves :(

Muslims in rohingya praying :'(

2) Syria

Imagine this is ur hometown..

Imagine that body is ur sis :'(

-pray, never underestimate the power of dua'.. that's the least we can do :(

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


peeps, who say we need to improve ourselves only when it's ramadhan?? we can do this peeps.. we can change and improve no matter it's syawal, muharam or rejab.. because if you really want to change, you will!! you won't wait for other factors to come.. such as ramadhan, wake up call or what-so-ever that you called it..

so, although ramadhan is almost over for this year..
but there're still a few things that i want to change and improve on myself... so,, here it is:

#1 Tidur siang --> i don't want to sleep lepas subuh n after zuhur.. usually i got tired easily and just fall asleep but after this, i want to minimize my sleep :)

#2 Consistency --> i always have problems with consistency.. but after this, im going to jot down my daily activities and follow it whole-heartedly.. heheh :D

#3 Structure --> I want to be more structured. I guess being structured in life will help me with the structure in my speech too :O

#4 Put things in the right place --> Since kak donah is not around, i want to keep my room and stuff tidy. The easiest way is by putting things in the right place. #simple ^o^

#5 Moody --> I need to train myself to control my mood well.. so, i'll try my best to be positive about everything :DD

so this is my list.. what's yours?? do one! you'll be more excited to do it when you have a list or a checklist :D
btw keep consistent with your deeds in ramadhan okay?? Assalamualaikum :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

PersonThatInspireMe #1 : Amira

I don't like to smile..
Eventhough it's a sunnah,, i don't find any reason y shld i smile..
but then when i enter maahad..
i met this girl..
this weird girl..
every time u walk wth her, u'll realize tht every single person tht passes u will smile..
it's awkward for me to smile to anonymous..
but it's not for her..
as it's a sunnah,,
she smiles to everyone..
but of course not to boys..
she even told me once ago..
when we all are the naive form 1 students..
she was soo cheerful when she arrives at the school gate and saw a boy prefect,,
she smiled at him but he looked surprise and turn away..
tht time, she felt weird..
but when we learn about how shld the relationship btween boys n girls be..
we changed..

basically tht's wht we do in maahad..
we grow up and change for good.. i guess?? xD

so this girl teaches me to enjoy life and at least smile..
ur smile might seems small to you but it can bring big impact on others..
just as u wish ppl will smile to u,,
then smile to ppl!!

thx Allah for giving me the chance to meet this awesome girl called Amira :)

p/s:will keep posting abt other ppl later :DD

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Me happy :)

Just updated my blogskin and found this cute panda in front of my house..
Me so happy :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012


this is my last tournament for this year..
I didn't expect anything impressive since i know tht i'm not tht good..
At first,
i was stuck to mke my decision..
whether i shld go or not..
whether it'll be worth it or not..
coz it's been held during our exams week..
luckily it's on the weekends sooo
i kinda can give reason to my dad..
coz he dislikes the fact tht i left mny classes  for co-curriculum act..
yet, i didn't score well..
besides i'm totally not a type of person who sits n spend their time on every single subj..
i prefer learning in class tgether with friends :)

plus, recently,,

i'm suck at admath n i cannot guarantee tht i'll get above fail...
coz when i try to answer the questions..
suddenly i forgot the formulas..
i didn't do tht much exercise tho..
so,, what happens, happens..
after this i'll try my best..

but after sme discussions..
then i feel like going to ukm..
then i made my decision n go..

then in UKM-IV,,
i didn't expect tht i'll feel happy in every single round..
my debate bfore is kinda like stressing..
but this is totally different..
in fact it's great!!

i m grateful tht fakhry said tht he don't care whether we win or lose..
n tht makes me feel a lil bit relieved..
coz usually in comp,
i don't like the idea of winning..
seriously dunno how to explain tht..
but when you target to win,, u'll lose the joys in the debate itself..
maybe after winning u'll feel great..
n u r not feeling happy bcoz of the debate itself..
but, because u just win..
tht's it..

and for me, winning is pressuring..
i hate the fact when i didn't do rlly well n i feel like a burden to the team..
but in ukm-iv..
when i didn't do rlly well,,
fakhry said it's okay.. n i can do it for the nxt round..
it makes me feel fine..and i try to give my best..
if i lose, i hve nothing to worry coz fakhry doesn't care about losing or winning..
but he'll teach me a better way to deliver a good speech/ bcome a good debater..

and that's great..
and today,,,,
i have great supporters coming!!
and i feel really enlighten bcos of the supports!!
i met maryam, kamalia, fattah, n kak raihan..
and they cheers for us..
and i feel really GREAT!!

but then still i really really want to see fattah n kamalia debating..
maybe one day..
i'll be waiting for tht day coz i think they're a rlly good team..

btw there're lots of things tht i learnt here..
and mostly that debate is not about winning..
and you'll never know until u experience it..
that feeling of joy when u r debating without the intention to win..

it feels great,, no matter what happens..
and that's something tht is rarely happened in debate or my previous comp..
which makes me feel tht debate is kinda pressuring..

and mannn i'm not good in handling pressure.. ><"

soo at the end of the day...
i feel blessed to get this opportunity..

thx to Allah for giving me this chance to feel happy and gained experience in this short life..
thx to my parents for giving me permissions..
thx to fakhry for being patient with me, paying for this comp, and mostly bcoz of ur noble intention to train us to bcome a better person.. May Allah bless you and grant ur wishes in life..
thx to my sis for being our loyal supporter everyday!!
ths to kamalia, fattah, maryam n kak raihan for cheering n supporting us..

one day,,
when we've bcome a better person, i hope we'll reunite again..
insyaAllah ^^

Friday, July 27, 2012

pesan putera kepada puteri.. :)

yesterday we had a session with 4 org Ahli Majlis Tertinggi putera and ustaz jamal at the hall.. it is compulsory for all maahad's girls.. and it is special just for us :)

so, basically, this is what i've got from them.. 
"jgn lihat siapa yg brkata-kata, lihatlah apa yg dperkatakannya"

Q: Apakah konsep brsahabat dgn individu brlainan gender.. A: ad batas2 yg ketat..klu x de urusan, haram

"org yg berakal ialah org yg slalu meminta nasihat dn mnerima nasihat - saidina Umar Al-Khattab"

Q: Apakah ciri2x muslimah idaman? 
A: Wanita yg solehah itu, apbla kmu mlihat dia,dia mggembirakan,apbla kmu tggalkn dia,dia mmpu mnjga mruah

Q:Cara trbaik utk brinteraksi dgn putera 

1) jgn brckp hal yg x ptg n brgurau keterlaluan sbb hukumnye haram

2) jgn mnjerit sbb ego putera tggi 

3)jgn lunakkan suara 

4)jga pndgn dn prgaulan

5)jgn komen bnda x prlu 

6) jgn chat bnda x ptg sbb nnt blh mmbuka keaiban

Di bln ramadhan ni, jom sme2x post bnda yg baik n brilmu.. tmbah pahala -UAI-

Q:Ksan ukhuwah trhdp khidupan seorg muslimah 

A:Ukhwah islamiyah=tgok mke sahabat trus igt Allah,Ukhwah Jahiliyah=Tgok kwn buat slh tp x tego

Klu nk brshbt,cri kwn yg: 1) Ble bab dunia, dia sntiasa jujur.. 2)ble bab akhirat dia akn sntiasa memanfaatkn kita

Tegur kwn ble dia buat slh sbb klu btul kte syg dye, kte akn tarik dia jauh dri api neraka

Bce: GenQ - bersahabat sampai ke syurga

Q:Prbezaan antara perempuan dgn muslimah A:
1)Muslimah sntiasa ad iman x kira di manapun dia brada

2)Muslimah sejati akn sntiasa fikir sbb ap dye dciptakan kt dunia 

Andai kata neraka tu dpn kita, kita nampak, msti kte x berani nk buat jahat..

Klu kita dgr bunyi neraka,msti smua plaja maahad x dtg skolah sbb... Duduk kt masjid, bertaubat :D

Ap yg kte ad kt dunia ni, smua Allah bg..ibarat kwn pnjmkan bju..pastu kte brlagak sbb pakai bju cntik..msti kwn tu kte: x sedar diri btullah dye ni padahal tu bju aq,samelah dgn Allah

Dunia ni medan ujian je.. sbb kt akhirat nnt, kte nk tgok sape yg kaya n sape yg miskin..

Hidup ni mcm mimpi je..ble kte bukak mata dlm kubur nnt brulah kte sedar itu hidup yg sbnr

klu ad dua bnda, putih=baik hitam=jahat.. syaitan ni x trus bwk kita pd hitam,tp dye menyeleweng,,mgkin ke kelabu dlu sket..
eg: klu kte nk solat, syaitan x trus kte x pyh solat.. dye pujuk dlu, ehh bru azan, blum iqamat, ble dh qamat, ehh imam x smpi lg kut,, plus2x smpila kte melengah-lengahkn solat

Q:Apa itu cinta A:Cinta itu apbla kte brdua sme2x mmbimbing satu sama lain utk msuk syurga

of course klu kte cinta org tu kte nk tarik dye dri api neraka..
so, bezakan antara cinta dgn nafsu..gneknlah ilmu mse ad kt maahad ni utk mnjadi benteng pd cabaran mse hdpn..

Biarkan Allah taala anugerahkan kamu cinta, kamu x prlu cari sbb anugerah Allah itu yg plg special n brharga..
In my opinion, bguslah diorg buat program mcm ni.. now i know what the boys think about girls in maahad and what actually they want us to improve to become a better person..

i see this as a positive thing coz we need each other right? so, it's not wrong to share thoughts and opinions together :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

hectic day

Today was a very hectic day for me..
First of all i feel very guilty to tc.Norhayati coz i've been skipping TrEEs' activities for debate stuff..
I feel guilty because i said i want to join the team..
which means i will give my full commitment to it but then,,
during certain times i was not there..
i feel terrible..

because for me,
everything that i've participated needs my commitment..
and surely if i agreed to join in any clubs or activities,,
i'll try my best to make sure that i'll perform..
but then i need to prioritize my debate stuff..
because TrEES' still has other ppl there..
different from debate,
i'm the president and if i put other things first,
that means i'm not committed to it..
i bliv, leader needs to play good role for the rest..
so, i shall do my best and i love mahdi for sure..
so, i'll do whatever it takes to see my juniors..
one day, becomes better than me.. insyaAllah..
i want to be there through their hardships and success..
i want to be there to support them in whatever condition they're in..
just like i'm hoping supports from them through this journey..

just thought: life requires us to complete each other don't you think so? 

so, today after discussing about TrEES' project with teacher,
i enter the library and suddenly tc. Ramrah was asking for help..
so, me, fatin, yam, yb n illani lend our hand to help her..
but when the class was over, we need to go back to the class and the data hasn't finish yet..
so, me, fatin n yam decided to skip two classes at the end of the period to settle down those things..
and Alhamdulillah we've finished it and teacher treat us..
that's the best part :D

but at the end of the day..
i feel a little bit frustrated when i realize that i've left so much nowadays..
and when i come to classes but i don't understand what the teachers are talking about..
it makes me feel depressed..
i miss those moments when teachers r teaching in front and i understand every single thing that comes out from their mouth..
but then i talk to my mother..
and she said..,
there is always hikmah behind everything.. and i pray that you will enjoy and get the best from whatever you're doing..
that time i feel very grateful to have a mom like her..
a woman with beauty, grace and intelligence..
and i realize that she's the best psychologist i can get and there's nobody that can replace one that i love whole-heartedly, my mom..  
the end. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

ramadhan in school~

everybody looks like zombies todayyy!!!
maybe not all but most..
and the atmosphere was very gloomy..
it's like u r in hospital and everybody is sick lol!!

don't know why i am sooo excited writing this.. ^0^
the bright side of ramadhan in school is:
most of my classmates read Qur'an while the teacher is not around..
soo,, there's the good spirit for ramadhan!!
Alhamdulillah.. i'm infected for some times..

so i tried to memorize back my 'hafazan' that i have left for such a looong time..
starting at the back of the Qur'an which is juz amma..
and although it seems like a very small thing but i realize that,,
when we read back the surah..
we know exactly how it's spell.. which was exciting for me!!
when i recite it,, it's like,, ehhh macam ni eja dia?? ohh maksud dia mcm ni ke?? BEST!!
coz before,, some of them that i have memorized,,
i just recite it without checking the spelling..

but then,, i feel very exhausted..
so i took a nap till recess time..
then i followed amira to the mosque to perform dhuha..
and,, surprisingly... we run out of water!!!
soooooooo lame

then we got to the class.. and.. 
i started to have stomachache..
it's very painful and that moment i cannot focus in the class..
i thought to call my mother and just return home..
but that one will take a looong process
plus, i can't be sure whether my mom is available or not coz nowadays she's very busy during the day..
so my friend suggest me to have a rest a bilik rawatan..
and i did so..

and then ada bdk form 1 who was sleeping on one of the bed accompanied by her friend..
i'm okay with that sampailah..
tok tok tok...
kawan bdk tadi pun bkk..
then msuk form 1 ramai2x..
ehh kamu2x dh sihat ke??
teacher BI marah tadi..
pastukan.. etc etc..

i'm soo tired i choose to ignore them although it's quite annoying..
and then tok tok tok..
Fatin came in!!
rupa2xnye patin pun sakit perut..
lol we share the same pain.. XD
then i ask her to sleep besides me coz they just have two beds you know..
coz sgtlah pelik kalau ramai pelajar tiba2x sakit..
it's like konspirasi dirancang.. >_<
and fatin pun tanye ehh ramainye bdk??
and i told her.. entahla wei.. cbe ko tanyer diorg..
coz i'm not that garang dgn junior.. usually i just let them be..
and then fatin strictly said: ehh ni semua sakit ke??
bdk2x tu pun bagilah brmcm alasan..
and then diorg keluar jugak..
aman dunia.. hohoho..
tp diorg pnye lepak kat bilik rawatan tu rpenye smpi skip satu mtaplajaran..
x taulah cgu tu x msuk ke ape.. tp i'm not aware tht time coz x pki jam..
but when i ask fatin then bru thu diorg skip smpi satu subjek..
alahai adik2x..

tapi lepas tu dh habis skolah aq ngn patin pun prgi MN..
sbb surau x de air.. soo tadarus then balik..
the end ^0^