hai hei hoi...
guys.. lame kan x update blog? haish terkadang aq merasakan bahasa aq sedikit
sebyk ade gaya mak datin gitu...
ooppss mun.. jgn berangan mun.. pleash lah!
aq kn baru blik kmpg..
then aq jmpe sepupu2x aq yg makin mmbesar..
smua makin pandai.. makin hensem.. makin cantik.. n makin gemok pun ade..
n sbg sepupu plg tua aq rse hepi gler ble bdk2x tu smua main ngn aq..
feel like.. yeahh i'm the oldest n bangge tgok diorg..
n jmpe ayah n mak sedara aq yg sporting2x n awet muda smuanya..
i feel like home!
n satu bnda yg aq plg suke kat kmpg...
aq rase tenaaang sgt...
maybe sbb aq mmbesar kt kmpg aq kut..
rase cam balik rmh sndiri..
rmh aq yg lame pun ade kt kmpg lg..
mase aq kecik..
parent aq sewa rmh ngan nenek aq...
nenek aq bkk rmh sewa kat blkg rmh dye..
ade empt buah...
rmh2x sewa tu trpisah dgn rmh nenek aq dgn satu pagar je..
n rumah kitorg paling dekat..
mase tu aq ngan angah je yg dh wujud... ecehhh
n kitorg mmg rapat x yah cakapla..
mane ade org lain lagi nk main...
tiap2x pagi aq ngan angah akn jalan kaki prgi rmh nenek...
mase tu kitorg jmpelah mak n ayah sedara kitorg sblom diorg prgi skolah..
n join mkn dgn diorg..
pastu aq plg rpt dgn poksu..
sbb jarak umo kitorg 2 thn je..
tiap2x pagi poksu pkai baju skolah n pegi tadika..
habis aq x de geng..
satu hari tu aq ikut nenek dgn umi pegi tadika poksu..
mase tu poksu umo 5 thn..
then aq pun ckp kat umi...
umi, umi kakak nak pergi sekolah mcm poksu jugak..
pastu umi pun cakap..
mane boleh.. kakak kecik lagi..
n aq yg sgt keras kepala ni pun kata..
umiiii nak ikut poksu...
pastu alang2x nenek aq ade kat situ..
nenek aq pun tanyelah cikgu tu..
ehh tmpg tanye cucu saya ni baru 3 thn..
tapi dia nk sekolah jugak..nak ikut pakcik dia..
boleh tak bagi dia masuk??
* lebih krg camtulahh*
n tetiba aq dh msuk skola tu..
aq pnye gembira bkn kepalang..
ade tudung kecik, baju sekolah..
smart gitu..
n plg aq hepi sbb tiap2x pagi aq pergi skolah dgn poksu..
first day... aq ikut poksu masuk kelas dia..
pastu poksu kate ehh mane blh.. kakak kelas lain..ni kelas lelaki...
aq x nk jugak.. aq ikut poksu..
tetibe aq tengok kawan poksu smua lelaki..
n aq malu sndiri...
barulah aq masuk kls perempuan...
pastu aq dh x igt sgt..
yg aq igt aq ade sorg kwn yg terlebih umo..
yelah kan aq pelajar plg muda..
nama dia kak siti..
tu je aq igt..
pastu poksu ade kwn.. nama dia haikal..
tu jelah...
n bila tgh hari.. van dtg, aq n poksu pun balik..
dia hantar sampai depan je.. kitorg kna jalan blk..
haikal rmh dia dkt sikit..
so dia balik dulu..
bile turun aq n poksu akan brhnti kejap kat setunggul kayu dpn tu..
then aq tanya poksu, kakak ade buat salah ape2x tak hari ni?
n poksu aq akan ulas kesalahan2x yg berlaku...
mase tu aq baru tiga thn tp aq dh skolah...
aq rase hepi sgt sbb Allah anugerahkan aq sebuah memori yg sgt indah..
yg x smua org dapat...
skrg poksu dah besar..
aq n angah pun dah besar..
rindu pulak aq dgn masa dulu2x..
mak andak yg rajin melayan kerenah aq...
mak andak yg jugak sg penakut mcm tikus.. tgh malam msti ajak aq tmn dia jalan kalau kena hantar makanan kt rmh aq.. aq bdk 3 thn sgtlah berani.. yelahh dulu, mane aq tau hantu tu ape..
mokde yg selalu jadi hakim bile aq dgn poksu gaduh..
pakngah yg suka pggil aq cici/aci smpaila aq dh umo 10 thn x silap, gelaran tu dh hlg..
pak itam aq x igt sgt.. tp aq tau pak itam rapat sgt dgn pak lang...
mokteh pun jarang ade sbb mokteh belaja kt U masa tu..
atuk yg suka menyakat dgn gigi dia yg blh trcabut (skrg x dah sbb aq x tkut :)
poksu a.k.a geng aq ngan angah prgi kejar ayam.. main letup belon, panjat kereta n mcm2x lagi...
paklang yg pernah kene sebat dgn aq sbb paklang x nk buat susu utk angah smpai angah nangis.. (dhsyat gak aq)
fyi, aq sgt sayang kat adek aq yg sorg ni..
sape berani kacau dia..
nanti kenalah dgn aq..
tanpa mengira usia... still aq lawan..
cme ble dh besar ni..
of courselah trkadang aq jeles ngn adek aq..
but for me itu normal..
aq still sayang n rapat ngan dia cme bezanya...
dulu adik ikut je kakak pergi mane2x..
skrg adik dah besar...
kadang2x kakak yg ikut adik...
kitorg selalu protect each other..
dri dulu lagi...sbb umi abah jarang ade dulu..
tinggal aq n angah je kt kmpg..
kalau ayam kejar aq then aq mnjerit,
adik aq msti dtg n dia ckp: mana? mana ayam yg kejar kakak?? biar adik makan sume...
habis smua ayam lari tgok adik aq..
yelah.. adik aq mmg suke sgt mkn ayam dari kecik smpi besar..
kalau org marah/buat adik aq nangis.. nanti aq marah balik org tu...
hmm camtulah..
aq kan x de adik lain... mase tulah..
so, nak main smua dgn dialah...
i miss those memories..
x pelah aq brsyukur skrg dia still ade dgn aq..
cme kdg2x je kitorg gaduh..
aq syg gak adik2x lain.. cume x lah serapat angah..
dulu kitorg je cucu nenek ngn atuk..
so smua org pggil aq kakak n angah adik..
atuk bg nama pggilan kt kitorg:
aq kicik sbb aq plg kecik mse dulu..
angah botak sbb botak mase kecik..
kaylah.. klik older post utk gmba sepupu aq yg tomei2x..
Friday, June 8, 2012
sepupu. kecomelan. pantai
pic dkt kmpg hri tu... credits to me sbb jd photographer x brbayar..![]() |
from left: balqies (anak mak andak) n saffanah bulat (anak pak ngah) |
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oittt dik.. tulah.. pabila dua demokss brgabung,,, |
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aq rse kegemukkan aq ni menurun kt sepupu aq lah kut..heheh anyway diorg ttp comel :D |
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(anak pak itam) basyirah posing ayu.. tp sgttt comel! |
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aqis yg comelll meh cubit sket meh :D |
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hah korg bncg ape serius sgt tuh?? |
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ehh knp dek?? takut mata ade flash cam cyclops eh?? |
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saffanah yg ceria tanpa mengira usia.. ehh?? cam knal je tagline tu?? hmm |
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saf n biha yg kurus thp model.. aq pun jeles.. heheh.. *lihat di blkg, sofeyyah tgh lari thp marathon utk msuk dlm gmba* |
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saf: heheh..kaklong saf dh posing kasi nmpk lesung pipit ni.. pstikan nmpk tau.. jgn hilang pulak... biha: lihatlah gigiku .. |
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luqman(ank mak andak) : haishh pemalas betul depo ni.. asyik amik gmbo je.. komek juga yg kena menyapu... aiseyhman.. |
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masih tiada yg simpati?? anybody?? anyone?? |
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kakak basyirah dtg mmbantu... |
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dia pergi jugak... trpaksalah aq menyapu seorg diri.. adoyai... |
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kampung halamanku.. |
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aikk sofeyyah ni slalu jd watak x diundang... |
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cehh qusyairi posing malas2x.. |
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lihatlah kecomelan thp maksimumku.. ada nampak?? gua calon baby plg cute 2012 tau! |
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from left: saf yg insaf dh pkai tdg n adiknye syamilah yg peramah glerrr |
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apabila cucu perempuan nenek brgosip.. ooppss hot issue! |
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naziha adik biha tgh menunjukkan aksi kemodelannya yg dperturunkan oleh mokde.. |
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jgn tgok peace je tau! tgok lesung pipit skali... ~pesanan ikhlas saffanah~ |
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syamilah tago: demi mknn!! aq meluaskan mulutku!! masuklah engkau!! |
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pantai sg. ular yg mmg cun gler |
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yah nk buat aksi thp bollywood.. almaklumlah org selangor jarang jmpe pantai.. |
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kayu yg abah tarik khas utk umi ddk.. amoi2x romantiknye abah... |
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hati yg angah smpt lukes.. ehemm2x ade pape ke dek?? tetibe je ni?? |
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panorama indah... |
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tgok tu!! ade org naik kuda kt pantai!! stylo giler, ade 3 kuda plak tu.. |
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hasil tangkapan angah, ude n abah |
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lihatlah kepah yg direbus.. blurp blurp |
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sedia ke meja anda!! |
cat ones good company
hey guys..
i just feel that it's good to share something here..
i got to know that Lina's cat just died...
kamalia's also..
for such a long time me and angah tried to forget our dearest cat and kittens..
and i know we shouldn't...
memories didn't deserve to be kept or hide..
it deserves to be shown..
to be remembered..
to be appreciated..
bcoz it has been a part in our life once..
it play stories along our journey..
so instead of having it buried..
we should sometimes talk, share or wonder about it..
and it goes the same with us..
for me...
i had somebody who i called buddy..
somebody who really excited when the first time i met her..
i never met somebody that show lots of love like her to me when we met for the first time..
when i sleep, she walk and sleep besides me..
usually beside my face..
she won't go..
although sometimes i may push her accidentally..,
but she still there...
sleeping with me..
emerald was her name..
my sister owned her one day...
and days before that,
i started to feel very close to this nature..
i love them..
although i'm quite afraid, but i feel some deep connection with cats around me..
before, i never care about cats..
any cats.. i hate them coz they scared me...
but one day... angah bought this cat..
and she was sick..
she's from SPCA.. there were many other pretty cats..
but angah was attracted to this one..
at home, i was really excited to see her..
although she was very thin we can even see her ribs..
but this is my first time having my own pet..
fyi i never been so close to animals before...
and the first time she saw me..,
she came towards me and i ran..
but she keeps following me..,
and when i'm on my bed watching tv,
she came and lay besides me..
and i move aside..,
she move near to me, i can feel her fur..
she was very closed to me all her medicine on her body stick to my trouser and shirt..
i don't understand why she loved me so much while i never pat her or yeahh care for her as much as angah's do..
but there she was..
never give up to be my buddy..
and that's when we become buddy..
every night, i allowed her to sleep besides me..
sometimes i feel really guilty coz she sleep at the edge of the bed near to my face sometimes i move and she fall to the floor..
but she never seems angry with me..
and i appreciate that...
soon, she got pregnant which she's not suppose to since she should have been sterilised..
and on 8th january which is angah's birthday,
she gave birth to 3 beautiful kitties..
and you know what...
she gave birth in my closet..
when i lift up one of my abaya,
i saw a kitties very small one was hanging to my abaya with closed eyes...
so i ran downstairs and scream excitedly coz i need my mom's help..
i'm a coward u know..
then my mom n kak donah manage everything..
on my father's bday 9th january..
she gave birth to another two healthy white kitties..
they r beautiful...
but they grown up so fast,
we need to buy a big packet of whiskas which just stands for two weeks...
and their poop sand just stand for a week each..
and angah is the one who paid for everything..
my mom do help but it's her cat,
so she paid the most for the food and the poop sand..
it reaches one time they all grew up healthy and fat..
but we cannot afford their expenses anymore..
that time, i went to one week camp for form 3 students..
i stayed in the hostel..
and when i got home,
i was too tired to seek them..
and that evening,
while i was sleeping, my parent sent them all back to SPCA..
i haven't had the chance to meet them...
for a week and forever..
that time..
i feel so guilty and sad..
i cried and cried realizing that my cats will never return and sleep besides me..
i became very quiet and i can't accept the fact that my parent returned them without asking me first..
my mother also cried but my father are very firm with his decision..
there's no turning back..
yeah... that's what happen..
and my mother persuades me..
she told me that insya Allah they'll have a good life there together...
besides, my healthy decreased since i have them..
i have asthma which i never troubled before..
i cough a lot and i have to use inhaler sometimes..
and my mom said that the cats were not suitable for my health..
i'll get worse..
the doctor also said so..
after giving away those cats..
i recovered..
and now,
i don't have to use inhaler anymore...
they've gone...
but the memories are still here with me..
i never forget it bcoz it deserves a place in my heart..
i won't cry coz it's over..
but i never forget that they have been a part in my life...
i love you emerald...
the most...
and your pretty kittens..
the cheerful sparkle..
the passive comel..
the shy sayang..
the fat chouji..
the big brother kakashi..
each of them will be remembered..
and i ask Allah to preserve them for me..
may they live a better life now and forever insya Allah...
i don't have their pics right now.. so sorry guys..
p/s: i've written a post about my holiday back at the village but i postpone it since i cannot upload our pictures yet.. wait kay?? :D
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