Friday, July 27, 2012

pesan putera kepada puteri.. :)

yesterday we had a session with 4 org Ahli Majlis Tertinggi putera and ustaz jamal at the hall.. it is compulsory for all maahad's girls.. and it is special just for us :)

so, basically, this is what i've got from them.. 
"jgn lihat siapa yg brkata-kata, lihatlah apa yg dperkatakannya"

Q: Apakah konsep brsahabat dgn individu brlainan gender.. A: ad batas2 yg ketat..klu x de urusan, haram

"org yg berakal ialah org yg slalu meminta nasihat dn mnerima nasihat - saidina Umar Al-Khattab"

Q: Apakah ciri2x muslimah idaman? 
A: Wanita yg solehah itu, apbla kmu mlihat dia,dia mggembirakan,apbla kmu tggalkn dia,dia mmpu mnjga mruah

Q:Cara trbaik utk brinteraksi dgn putera 

1) jgn brckp hal yg x ptg n brgurau keterlaluan sbb hukumnye haram

2) jgn mnjerit sbb ego putera tggi 

3)jgn lunakkan suara 

4)jga pndgn dn prgaulan

5)jgn komen bnda x prlu 

6) jgn chat bnda x ptg sbb nnt blh mmbuka keaiban

Di bln ramadhan ni, jom sme2x post bnda yg baik n brilmu.. tmbah pahala -UAI-

Q:Ksan ukhuwah trhdp khidupan seorg muslimah 

A:Ukhwah islamiyah=tgok mke sahabat trus igt Allah,Ukhwah Jahiliyah=Tgok kwn buat slh tp x tego

Klu nk brshbt,cri kwn yg: 1) Ble bab dunia, dia sntiasa jujur.. 2)ble bab akhirat dia akn sntiasa memanfaatkn kita

Tegur kwn ble dia buat slh sbb klu btul kte syg dye, kte akn tarik dia jauh dri api neraka

Bce: GenQ - bersahabat sampai ke syurga

Q:Prbezaan antara perempuan dgn muslimah A:
1)Muslimah sntiasa ad iman x kira di manapun dia brada

2)Muslimah sejati akn sntiasa fikir sbb ap dye dciptakan kt dunia 

Andai kata neraka tu dpn kita, kita nampak, msti kte x berani nk buat jahat..

Klu kita dgr bunyi neraka,msti smua plaja maahad x dtg skolah sbb... Duduk kt masjid, bertaubat :D

Ap yg kte ad kt dunia ni, smua Allah bg..ibarat kwn pnjmkan bju..pastu kte brlagak sbb pakai bju cntik..msti kwn tu kte: x sedar diri btullah dye ni padahal tu bju aq,samelah dgn Allah

Dunia ni medan ujian je.. sbb kt akhirat nnt, kte nk tgok sape yg kaya n sape yg miskin..

Hidup ni mcm mimpi je..ble kte bukak mata dlm kubur nnt brulah kte sedar itu hidup yg sbnr

klu ad dua bnda, putih=baik hitam=jahat.. syaitan ni x trus bwk kita pd hitam,tp dye menyeleweng,,mgkin ke kelabu dlu sket..
eg: klu kte nk solat, syaitan x trus kte x pyh solat.. dye pujuk dlu, ehh bru azan, blum iqamat, ble dh qamat, ehh imam x smpi lg kut,, plus2x smpila kte melengah-lengahkn solat

Q:Apa itu cinta A:Cinta itu apbla kte brdua sme2x mmbimbing satu sama lain utk msuk syurga

of course klu kte cinta org tu kte nk tarik dye dri api neraka..
so, bezakan antara cinta dgn nafsu..gneknlah ilmu mse ad kt maahad ni utk mnjadi benteng pd cabaran mse hdpn..

Biarkan Allah taala anugerahkan kamu cinta, kamu x prlu cari sbb anugerah Allah itu yg plg special n brharga..
In my opinion, bguslah diorg buat program mcm ni.. now i know what the boys think about girls in maahad and what actually they want us to improve to become a better person..

i see this as a positive thing coz we need each other right? so, it's not wrong to share thoughts and opinions together :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

hectic day

Today was a very hectic day for me..
First of all i feel very guilty to tc.Norhayati coz i've been skipping TrEEs' activities for debate stuff..
I feel guilty because i said i want to join the team..
which means i will give my full commitment to it but then,,
during certain times i was not there..
i feel terrible..

because for me,
everything that i've participated needs my commitment..
and surely if i agreed to join in any clubs or activities,,
i'll try my best to make sure that i'll perform..
but then i need to prioritize my debate stuff..
because TrEES' still has other ppl there..
different from debate,
i'm the president and if i put other things first,
that means i'm not committed to it..
i bliv, leader needs to play good role for the rest..
so, i shall do my best and i love mahdi for sure..
so, i'll do whatever it takes to see my juniors..
one day, becomes better than me.. insyaAllah..
i want to be there through their hardships and success..
i want to be there to support them in whatever condition they're in..
just like i'm hoping supports from them through this journey..

just thought: life requires us to complete each other don't you think so? 

so, today after discussing about TrEES' project with teacher,
i enter the library and suddenly tc. Ramrah was asking for help..
so, me, fatin, yam, yb n illani lend our hand to help her..
but when the class was over, we need to go back to the class and the data hasn't finish yet..
so, me, fatin n yam decided to skip two classes at the end of the period to settle down those things..
and Alhamdulillah we've finished it and teacher treat us..
that's the best part :D

but at the end of the day..
i feel a little bit frustrated when i realize that i've left so much nowadays..
and when i come to classes but i don't understand what the teachers are talking about..
it makes me feel depressed..
i miss those moments when teachers r teaching in front and i understand every single thing that comes out from their mouth..
but then i talk to my mother..
and she said..,
there is always hikmah behind everything.. and i pray that you will enjoy and get the best from whatever you're doing..
that time i feel very grateful to have a mom like her..
a woman with beauty, grace and intelligence..
and i realize that she's the best psychologist i can get and there's nobody that can replace one that i love whole-heartedly, my mom..  
the end. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

ramadhan in school~

everybody looks like zombies todayyy!!!
maybe not all but most..
and the atmosphere was very gloomy..
it's like u r in hospital and everybody is sick lol!!

don't know why i am sooo excited writing this.. ^0^
the bright side of ramadhan in school is:
most of my classmates read Qur'an while the teacher is not around..
soo,, there's the good spirit for ramadhan!!
Alhamdulillah.. i'm infected for some times..

so i tried to memorize back my 'hafazan' that i have left for such a looong time..
starting at the back of the Qur'an which is juz amma..
and although it seems like a very small thing but i realize that,,
when we read back the surah..
we know exactly how it's spell.. which was exciting for me!!
when i recite it,, it's like,, ehhh macam ni eja dia?? ohh maksud dia mcm ni ke?? BEST!!
coz before,, some of them that i have memorized,,
i just recite it without checking the spelling..

but then,, i feel very exhausted..
so i took a nap till recess time..
then i followed amira to the mosque to perform dhuha..
and,, surprisingly... we run out of water!!!
soooooooo lame

then we got to the class.. and.. 
i started to have stomachache..
it's very painful and that moment i cannot focus in the class..
i thought to call my mother and just return home..
but that one will take a looong process
plus, i can't be sure whether my mom is available or not coz nowadays she's very busy during the day..
so my friend suggest me to have a rest a bilik rawatan..
and i did so..

and then ada bdk form 1 who was sleeping on one of the bed accompanied by her friend..
i'm okay with that sampailah..
tok tok tok...
kawan bdk tadi pun bkk..
then msuk form 1 ramai2x..
ehh kamu2x dh sihat ke??
teacher BI marah tadi..
pastukan.. etc etc..

i'm soo tired i choose to ignore them although it's quite annoying..
and then tok tok tok..
Fatin came in!!
rupa2xnye patin pun sakit perut..
lol we share the same pain.. XD
then i ask her to sleep besides me coz they just have two beds you know..
coz sgtlah pelik kalau ramai pelajar tiba2x sakit..
it's like konspirasi dirancang.. >_<
and fatin pun tanye ehh ramainye bdk??
and i told her.. entahla wei.. cbe ko tanyer diorg..
coz i'm not that garang dgn junior.. usually i just let them be..
and then fatin strictly said: ehh ni semua sakit ke??
bdk2x tu pun bagilah brmcm alasan..
and then diorg keluar jugak..
aman dunia.. hohoho..
tp diorg pnye lepak kat bilik rawatan tu rpenye smpi skip satu mtaplajaran..
x taulah cgu tu x msuk ke ape.. tp i'm not aware tht time coz x pki jam..
but when i ask fatin then bru thu diorg skip smpi satu subjek..
alahai adik2x..

tapi lepas tu dh habis skolah aq ngn patin pun prgi MN..
sbb surau x de air.. soo tadarus then balik..
the end ^0^

Saturday, July 21, 2012

don't feel like debating~

this usually happen..
like alwaysssss
just hope i have the button to turn it off..
i feel bad..
i feel suck..
i feel tht i'm a bad debater..
i don't even feel like i want to debate anymore..
how suck am i??
a debater won't say that for sure...
hmm i guess i still need some time and space..

#1 ramadhan

Today is the first day of ramadhan this year..
I can see tweets from muslim around the world getting excited for ramadhan...
And me either..
It feels different this year..
Not like years before..
I am more relax.. I can enjoy most of my time coz at that part actually i was nobody..
Not that nobody but i don't have tasks and responsibilities like this year..
It's not like i'm the busiest person in maahad..
and for sure i'm not going to brag about my responsibilities or whatever that i need to do this year..

Day by day i've grown up and become more mature..
although i hate the fact that mature people thinks mature things and make mature decision..
but i need to do it..
i need to decide things.. i need to plan for my future..
or else,, i won't become a great muslim...
A great muslim contributes to Islam.. and how on earth am i suppose to contribute to my belief if i'm nothing..??
Well that's why i need great plan for my future..

So this ramadhan...
I plan to wake up early and enjoy the dawn..
It's been a long time i haven't enjoy dawn moments..
My mom woke us up and we sat together having our sahur..
After praying subuh, we had a discussion with our mother and suddenly i had a headache..
i said sorry to mom i cannot stay for the dawn coz it feels very painful inside my head..
so i take a nap...

When i wake up,, i saw sofeyyah and wardah come upstairs together with balqies..
they are sooo hyper it makes me wonder are they actually fasting??
and suprisingly,, they are!! although wardah is just 7 but she's fasting!!
i'm proud of her..
but still some confusion there.. would they be able to continue their fast??
hmmm let see..

1:00 p.m.
I watch the tv n wardah came to me..
she said: along.. penatlahhh penat sangat...
and sofeyyah also seems moody.. they look soooo exhausted and it makes me laugh..
Tulah.. tadi melompat sana sini.. kan dah penat...
and wardah give me 'that look' and sit besides me..
i give a glance to her and she's already fall asleep..
dear my sisters r sooo funny..
sofeyyah also falls asleep..

But after we have our iftar...
They both become very energetic an uncontrollable..
They shout everywhere, i have to cover my ears..
Funny sis..  ^_^

1 2 3 jom usrah!! (^ 0 ^)

Assalamualaikum n hey guyS!!
today mcm smgt glerr nk update psl usrah..
dan dan..
aq nk mengelakkan seboleh mngkin utk guna bahasa inggeris sbb..
x feel.. heheh :D

sooo skrg kan musim demam-dah-nak-dekat-periksa..
n form 3 n 5 pun sudah tidak lagi bergiat aktif..
aq panggil ni demam-virus-sekejap-sekejap..
sbb bila habis periksa je..
percayelahhh konfem aktif habis diorg tu..
cuma skrg ni dye mcm slow mo sikit.. hehe :D

kitorg yg kononnye batch plg relax n sempoi sbb PMR DH HABIS!! YEAYYYY but...
spm lak cam ketuk2x kitorg n ckp woit2x nxt year jmpe aq lah.. jgn enjoy sgt tau...
so,, di sebalik smua senyuman kecoolan kitorg..
trselit jerih payah utk memahami subjek2x form 4 yg mndatang ibarat short circuit di kepala kami.. kuang3x..
drama x blh habis..

sooo potong line to make it short ----> muka nk kena sepak ^^"
kitorg pn amik alih tugas f5 sementara waktu utk jd naqibah..
n.. setelah konflik demi konflik brlaku...
aq un dpt grup ngannnnnnnn
YB!!!! yeahhhhhhh
then dpt adek2x yg sporting n familiar plak..
yelahhh buat pengetahuan umum..
sbg pkt paling baik hati dn berjiwa murni,,
aq mmg mesra junior dan bermuka bersih sbb nk lobi undi..
haha kay mun dh msuk topik tahap kemerepekan melampau..

sooooo cut to the short lg...
adek2x usrah aq..
2 org bdk debate : anis n ain yg nama lebih kurang n mmg hyper trlebiyh setiap kli usrah
sorg bdk TrEEs' : husna annuar yg tdak krg jgak trlebih keaktifannya
3 org bdk bomba + kawad bomba : aqilah, alin n huda.. sorg slalu trolling jgak dgn aq.. sorg trgelak-gelak mse usrah, aq un x thu ap yg hepi sgt..
 n the rest: nik, kembar nama adek aq: syakirah, izzati

gempak2x an usrah aq???
rse cam nk adek usrah sme SAMPAI thn depan..
Yb pongs same.. so, kitorg pun brdiskusi dgn saadah..
*style gengsta* saadah... by hook or by crook kitorg nak gak adek usrah yg same nxt year!!
hempas meja n flip tudung..
zoom kat saadah: cengkerik2x.. krik2x..

haha.. dah msuk kemerepekan lagi..
xdela.. itu jln cerita yg diolah dn digubal oleh pkt baek mun..
kitorg snrnye ayu ibarat gadis melayu trakhir gituh..
kata bdk maahad kan???

kitorg pn mnyuarakan hasrat hati utk dpt adek usrah yg same kat saadah..
then saadah kata...
maksud usrah yg sbnr ialah,, ia akan brkekalan..
wlupun korg dh kluar maahad, dh krja ... tp korg still keep in touch..
bkn usrah mse waktu usrah je..
so,, nxt year.. wlupun korg dh x satu usrah,, tp kekalkan ukhuwah tu..
pegang adek2x tu betul2 jgn biar diorg trlepas wlupun dh x satu usrah..
owhhh aq ngn yb pun mengangguk style burung belatuk.. heheh..

n saadah ckp jugak.. klu ad usrah yg x serasi dgn akk naqibah diorg kesianlah..
same je smpi nxt year pun..
hurmm aq faham2x..

sooo adek2x!! x kesahlah siapa akk naqibah kita..
dgn siapa kita berusrah...
yang pntg, ukhuwah tu kita kna kekalkan sama2x.. insya Allah..
akk n kak yb akn pgg korg betul2x.. spy kita sama2x dpt brjalan briringan menuju syurga hakiki..
insya Allah.. amin...

semoga Allah redha dgn segala amalan kita...

p/s: x saba nk jmpe korg lagi!!  

Friday, July 13, 2012

2 in 1 ;)


both wre my precious tournament this year..
i never thought that i'll get this far..
i never thought that i'm a debater..
i mean true debater..
coz before..
i just love to debate but at the same time,,
i never know what's the real meaning of debate..
i just love to manipulate everything..
i want great teammates..
i want to WIN..
LOSING seems like a failure..
to me BIG failure..

yeah on the 1st place,,
going to both competition..
i didn't aim to win..
coz i'm like reallyy new..
but among the debaters in maahad..
i do want to win..

so, i went to UIA..
full hope relying on sister Ulfah n sister Laila..
i just play around and don't even take this event like serious matter..
then, after we didn't break..
Fakhry wants us to hve friendlies with Al-Amin Gombak..

First time spending time with them..
I feel really not confident tht time coz my seniors r there n i know tht i'm not good..
then Fakhry asked: Munierah, do u want to debate??
i feel scared but at the same time, i don't want to disappoint my seniors there..
they've trained me for this..
so, i said: it's up to you guys..
then brother Lutfi grouped us..
Iqbal with small Fattah..
Syakirah with Alyssa..
Kak Ulfah with Adibah..
and me with Affan..

Then i know tht we'll be debating the British Parliamentary style n i never experienced tht style..
so, i said to Affan..
sorry this is my first time n i'm not a good debater so, i'm sorry if i'm bad..
then he just say.. never mind..

we hve prep time n then we debate..
i just blurt out anything tht came across my mind..
n after i've done, i said sorry again to Affan and he said..
it was better then he expected..
then i feel quite relieved..
DONE for my first BP..
we ranked 3rd LOL XD

then for musleh..
i got like a LOOOOT of new friends..
learn many new things..
more about teamwork n soo on..
we've made it to semis and tht's totally great..
i hve pictures with madrasah al-junied n MCKK debaters..
but my hand phone shut down so i need to repair it first LOL..
when i hve it then maybe i'll post it here..
we also took pictures with our big brother, fakhry..
awesome hamidian..
still committed to train us although he already graduated from maahad LOL..
i'll become like him one day..
and if i can drive,,
i want to bring the hamidian debaters to tournament just like what he did.. :)
