Saturday, February 18, 2012

sHed My tEArs fReNZ~

Assalamualaikum guys...
today i really miss my old friends...
i dunno why...
maybe bcoz my sista also wrote about her past...??
or maybe because i've chat with one of them today??

but sincerely i really miss our ukhwah...
strength and unbreakable...
we fought...
we quarreled...
nothing guys...
compared to the journey that we've been shared together..
the laugh,
the tears,
the story,
the experience.....
it's priceless ....
we've known each other so well...
i guess each of us can see through each other just like seeing through mirror...
each would understand ones problems...
i miss them...
really really miss them..
i dreamed once when i was in primary school that i want to go to the same school and university with them...
but life goes on and every single meeting has an end...
but friendship never dies....
i hope that i'll become tougher...
they too...
always hope that they are being protected by Allah...
never lose hope on Allah right???

one more thing...
next week maybe i can't go to the debate club meeting..
i have to attend a camp...
this is the first time i have to drop the meeting...
i am so frustrated
but a muslim should never feel frustrated isn't it??

Ya Allah.... make me strong enough to continue this journey..
without them beside me Ya Allah...

Subhanakallahhumma wabihamdika,
Asyhadualla ilaaha illa anta,
Astaghfiruka waatubuilaik,
Wasallallahu ala saiyidina Muhammad,
Wa ala alihi wasahbihi wasallam....

aNsWEr tO mY fReNZ~

Assalamualaikum guys...
tonight i want to spend my time on answering a question that my friends always point at me but still i cannot give deep explanation....
they asked me...
why couple before nikah is haram??
what if the person that we want to married is just 'indah khabar dari rupa'???
terseksa nnt...sbb tula kena knal dye dlu...

after reading iluvislam...
i guess this is the appropriate answer..
wlupun x mnjawab scr ana rasa kte blh fikir rasionalnye...
"Cinta ini memang fitrah, tapi jangan kita jadikan ia fitnah.  Sebagai contoh, bila kita sedang berpuasa, kita disuruh agar tidak  mendekati makanan kerana boleh jadi ia membawa fitnah yang boleh membawa kita berbuka puasa. Maka begitu juga CINTA, rasa suka itu fitrah. Jadi, kita dilarang mendekati maksiat seperti zina hati, dating dan bergayut dengannya di telefon agar fitrah itu tidak menjadi fitnah. Sehari tak bercakap dengan si dia jadi gundah, tapi sehari tak bangun qiamullail, tak pulak rasa begitu. Kalau penyakit ini ada dalam hati kita, hati-hati. Jangan sampai cinta yang kononnya suci ini jatuh martabat menjadi cinta rendah, iaitu bila mana cinta manusia lebih daripada cinta Allah..
"kami tidak akan ucapkan perkataan 'CINTA' kepada mana-mana lelaki ajnabi kerana.. kami simpan perkataan itu untuk diucapkan kepada bakal suami selepas akad nikah" -blog kunfayakun
"Aku menyintaimu kerana AGAMA yang ada padamu, jika kau hilangkan agama dalam dirimu, hilanglah cintaku padamu." [Imam Nawawi]

p/s: harap2x mmbntu :D
Subhanakallahhumma wabihamdika,
Asyhadualla ilaaha illa anta,
Astaghfiruka waatubuilaik,
Wasallallahu ala saiyidina Muhammad,
Wa ala alihi wasahbihi wasallam....

Friday, February 17, 2012

cHeERy mOmENts~

Assalamualaikum guys...
it's a wonderful morning isn't it??
just this morning,
after umi and i finished praying...
we had a chit chat....
i told umi that i love to use the 'guys' word to begin my speech...
and umi suddenly said...
isn't 'guys' means for boys???
and i was just like....

Ya Allah...
my blogs???
i used the words every time i began my entry ...
huhu tetibe je panik..~

so i finally took a thesaurus and searched for the meaning...
okay, google translate did not help much.... -_- < doing-doing >
'guy' means man or boy...
but 'guys' means man and woman that we're talking to ( informally )
so it's fine then...
and i was just like phewww~

it's so great to begin the day with funny things..
i love it...
it wipe away all-the-unpleasant-mood..
wHaT a rEAllY nICe DaY :)

still want to share with you some knowledge...
about dakwah,,

in dakwah,
there are two persons involve...
the daei ( the advicer/messenger) and the mad'u (the target)...
after reading Hilal's books...
i realize that there's two types of dakwah method...
first: we give them answers
second: we ask them back with questions

the rational for the second option is that the mad'u can realize their own mistakes and find the answers to their questions themselves ...

someone ask why can't we just break the rules??
i said: imagine... there are many cars in the road and all the drivers have the same thought like you...they have their OWN priorities...everybody becomes selfish.. you think what will happen next???

can you see that it is related??
and the answer to my question is the answer to the mad'u question...
and from both questions,
he or she can relate the rational of the answers according to their own understanding...
and it also makes them to think further and further

in a simple word..
asking our mad'u to think by their own is a good option...
i'm not saying that telling them the answer is not good..
both method can be used according to the condition...

for wise/impatient people,
i prefer method two...
but for those who really having hard times...
maybe i will used method first...

it's up to you guys..
just spread the dakwah okay??

and just remember that
to understand Islam deeply may be hard...
but to live without it is much harder..

that's all...

Subhanakallahhumma wabihamdika,
Asyhadualla ilaaha illa anta,
Astaghfiruka waatubuilaik,
Wasallallahu ala saiyidina Muhammad,
Wa ala alihi wasahbihi wasallam....


Assalamualaikum guys,
may Allah The Almighty bless you guys...

as usual,
on friday....
i will just babbling about debate...
+ with my life story...
there is always another story behind my debate story...

where shall i start??
i feel much pain..
in my heart....
that pain can't be understand logically...
most people won't understand what i am totally saying...

the most important thing is...
i feel it...
it's hurting and it's feel like i'm burning totally..

i believe that only He knew what i feel now...
my heart is not a sacred one...
but i always trust my heart...
and that's what prophet Muhammad told us to do...

one thing that's bothering me is ikhtilaat...
ikhtilaat is something which is prohibited in Islam...
but for certain conditions, it is allowed...
let me explain more about ikhtilaat first,
ikhtilaat is any relationship between man and woman  which is not 'muhrim'...
example talking between each other ....

this is called ikhtilaat..
just like i said...
it is not prohibited IF we have needs to do it..
example: for working purpose, to ask or explain something...

i have needs to do it...
it's all started this year since i have more and more responsibilities as His Daei...
i have to talk and cooperate with boys that are not my muhrim....
and when i did that,
i just feel normal...
but after that,
i will feel pain...
deep pain...
in my heart...
it's not wrong...
it just that i'm not used with it..
yeah my siblings is all girls and i'm used to it....

i don't have strange feelings towards them...
it just i felt like every single eye contact make my heart bleeds....
and bleeds...

Allah forgives me...
i know that it's okay to do that on purpose...
but i'm in pain...
heal me Ya Allah...
make me closer to you...

i think that it's good to have sensitive heart...
it is a guard for me...
whenever i hear songs...
i cannot listen to it for a long period...
i felt uncomfortable...

good isn't it??
it tells me to stop when it's enough...
it tells me to beware before it's too late...

i believe that my feelings is a precaution for me..
so that my dakwah path is not contaminated with bad things right??

Thank You Allah~
remember,,, don't ignore your sensitivity/ heart...
it's a message from Him...

the conclusion is...
to make your heart to become hardcore....
is by putting Allah in your heart...
insya Allah.. your heart is core from contamination... :D

by the way,
on today debate i've learn many new things...
so let me share with you a knowledge....

whenever we finish our conversation or speech...
always read the tasbih kifarah because it will vanish all the sins that exist in our conversation..
so,, my readers.. lets read:

Subhanakallahhumma wabihamdika,
Asyhadualla ilaaha illa anta,
Astaghfiruka waatubuilaik,
Wasallallahu ala saiyidina Muhammad,
Wa ala alihi wasahbihi wasallam....

Thursday, February 16, 2012

LifE iS aMaZInG~

( entri ini adalah catatan pd hari selasa... tp x dpt diupdate krn masalah komputer ... ana mutaassif... selamat membaca ,,, :)

Assalamualaikum guys...
Alhamdulillah today i've got many reasons to love the life...

Amazing isn't it??
1st skali...
I know He is always with me...
setakut manapun hati ini nk mghadapi dunia...
Allah sntiasa di sisi...
X tahulah nk mggambrkn bgimana rsanye ble ade yg mncintai kita dn brada di sisi kita susah dan sng...
mampukah manusia melakukan smua itu???
pstinye tidak...
bukan utk selame-lamenye...

Hasil pembacaan drpd hero,,
aq blh memahami perasaan amir faheem yg terasa kosong spt hidup x brmakna..
sama mcm aq...
aq masih trcari-cari kebenaran....
aq tahu kebenaran itu...
cuma utk menanamkannya dlm diri...
aq rasa mcm ada 'gap'...
'gap' itu yg dicipta oleh para pembenci Islam...
dan suasana di sekeliling aq pun...
x mmbuatkan aq rsa kebergantungan kpd Allah dlm setiap urusan itu pntg...

except for one condition...
ble aq rase lemah...
aq akan brgntung pd Nya...
dan aq mmg tahu...
Dia x prnah mengecewakan hamba2x Nya...

Kudus kan aq??
hanya meminta pd waktu sukar...
di manakah Dia di hatiku tatkala aq sng???

Aq byk menyesali apa yg tlh aq lakukan selama ini....
Pembacaan hero byk mndekatkan aq kpd tarbiyah islam...
aq akn cuba mnjadi hambaNya yg baik....

wlupun aq blum habis bce hero...
ttp jalan ceritanya sgguh menarik...
so.. kpd kwn2x smua... bacelah bku2x yg dpt menanamkan rasa cinta kita kpd Allah...
bukan manusia semata-mata...

p/s: kpd sesiape yg rasa life is meaningless...
tlglah brsyukur...
dlm byk2x tanah dkt bumi ni,,
korg gak yg trpilih jd manusia...
cbe bygkan klu bkn korg yg dicipta Allah utk mnjadi manusia...
korg x kan prnah rasa nikmat hidup...
nikmat brkawan..
nikmat makan...
nikmat brkeluarga dn sbgainya....

korg tidak lebih hnya tanah brdebu yg diinjak manusia...
nk ke???
mmg aq akui hidup ni susah...
nothing is impossible...
and it's worth it when we work for it to get jannah...

stop complaining...
think about what you have rather than what you've not...

Assalamualaikum...~ :D

Sunday, February 12, 2012

iT's caLLeD kNoWLedGe!

Assalamualaikum guys!
Alhamdulillah hari ni dpt jgak update blog trsayang ni... cewwahhh...
sblum ni nk tles jgak cme x de story2x interesting utk dkongsi...
almaklumlah x skolah.. hehe~

by the way...
there's a few thing i want to share with you today...

 1) nEw shOEs~

i've bought a  new pair of school shoes...
and i really love it...
i hope that this shoes will lead me to great places with great peoples...
because they've said once that good shoes lead you to great places...
and great places lead you to great people...
so guys...
be sure that you've wear good shoes...
it doesn't mean that you've got to buy a new one...
it just that ...
you have to make sure that the shoes is clean and tidy...

Allah love tidy people isn't it??
so~ be clean guys!! :)

2) boOks~

if i go to Alamanda..
there's nothing more interesting than books...
searching for the latest novels,,
i decided to buy 'Hero' by Hilal Asyraf and 'Sebarkan cinta-Mu' by Fatimah Syarha..

so,,, this is it!!
representing you the novels~~~

number one is...

i just love Hilal's writing..~
and i was attracted to buy this novel 
and i know that it's worth it.. :)

on the second place is....
Sebarkan cinta-Mu

Fatimah Syarha's 'Sebarkan cinta-Mu' !!
new arrivals at the MPH store...
bile nmpk novel ni trus igt Saadah... 
sahabat sorg ni mmg suka bce buku fatimah syarha... ^_^

i just hope that both novels will make me understand more about life as a muslim...
insya Allah...

i'm reading 'hero' now and it's soooo overwhelming me...
when i've finished both books 
i promise that i would review about the storyline...
i would also rate both books !!!
wait for my review!!
i hope i'll finished both by thursday.... 

remember guys... reading is knowledge..
and knowledge is POWER!!!
so, read good books from now on.. ^_^

Friday, February 10, 2012

aJA aJA fiGhTInG!!!

Assalamualaikum guys...
it's been a wonderful day
and i just hope that everyday is a better day starting from this moment...
and for today...

1) tHe pKt vs pPs goes to:
jenG jenG jenG... < drum please >


last night i finished my homework just bcoz i want to go to the PSS today!!
but out of all sudden...
i was having the pKt's responsibilities and...
i need to cancelled my wonderful dream to go to the pSS...

i just love books and library...

but never mind... 
at least i'm a little bit busy nowadays to think about nonsense things and so on..
so i decided to take both responsibilities with honour and dedication 
yeah!! aja aja FIGHTING!!!!

2) debate is always a debate!
~as always...
friday is the Debate time...
and i don't have good teamwork today...
 shall i socialize more with my school society??
i dunno...
it just a small matter but it's hard for me to work as a team

okay mun...
ni debate..
mane ade debate sorg2x???

i have to learn it...
take it and lead it...

it's okay.. today was a worthwhile journey..
but after this i want to be a good debater..
i can do it!!
fighting Mun!!
nothing can stop me except myself...
so,, i just need to believe in myself..
accept critisms and take the CHALLENGE!!

take the positive sides and you'll find:
debate makes you stronger to face people...
to defense your thoughts
and to accept your weakness and learn to be stronger~

if anything happens,,,
i won't give up!
i'm not a quitter remember??

so keep on supporting me guys.... :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

fAmiLy tReE~

Assalamualaikum guys...
today we were divided into small groups called Usrah..
Usrah literally means family...

so... today..
my Usrah members and I officially become a family...

imagine...we're just friend before..
but today ... our ukhwah is strengthen by the family bonds...

how sweet is that??? ^_^

my naqibah or we shall call it leaders are Kak Aieshah and Kak Sho...
They both are funny and kind of course...

so today...
they hand us the profile form...
iT's tOtALLy aWesOMe!!!

my favourite food... of Al-Qur'an...
and so on....


every years we have this usrah program...

and i love it!!
it makes me feel close to other friends in the usrah and also to the seniors...

my favourite part of the usrah is when we discuss about current news...
about what Islam told us to do...
what is the current problem happening around muslims...
and of course our anxiety in everyday habits...

it's really nice to share...
and it makes me feels relax and calm to spend my time on understanding...
islam... the way of life... :) 

dReAMy hOLidAy~

Assalamualaikum guys...
i am suppose to write this few days ago...
but ..there's a lot of homework..
and ...

you know..
when there's homework...
things just can't be right...

just kiddo... :p
mase tgh cri quotes trjumpe bnda ni...  
hope teachers would excuse this ... hehe

actually... when we have things to do...we definitely should:
okay... so the homework + homework leads to...:
sTudY grOuP~

so... disebabkan ketidakfahaman melampau trhadap +math...
syahirah and me decided to go to Fatin's house...
of course it's faR!!

you know what...
you must pay the price of whatever you want...
get it??
so... fatin tlh brmurah hati untuk share ilmu dye...
remember... sharing is caring right???

and Alhamdulillah..
all the work was worth it...
me and syahirah understood the formulas...

we also got TO EAT NASI AYAM!!

ok... sample je.. jgn trliur ye...
klau nk,,, mntak mak fatin masak... SEDAPPP

i bet that i'm the-hungriest-person you ever meet ??? 
I hope not...*divide/ = perfect formulas 

okay x nk ckp psl +math da...
hehe :B

thanks to fatin and her family also syahirah and her mum for inviting me/fetching me and so on...
thanks to umi and abah jugak sbb susah2x hntr jauh2x... 
hehe... mane ade parent yg x nk tgk anak mrk brjaya... kan????


sudah brjayakah aq???
insyaAllah... i'll give my best in everything...

what you need to do is just:

that's all guys...
i want to update about today's Usrah later...

Monday, February 6, 2012

positively thinking about sChoOL~

am i really seem so positive about back-to-school??

assalamualaikum guys...
there's one day left before this-superb-awesome-holiday ends...
talking about being positive this week...
i shall restore my mind with beautiful things that i have there..
what a wonderful things to think...

and one more thing that makes me feel sick nowadays is....
a host...
television host...
haha... what a funny+hilarious joke...

okay... you can laugh at me...

but don't laugh as bad as this monkey:

or this:

but seriously...
i keep thinking about it...

and i asked my mom...

me: umi... blh x umi ckpkn kt kwn umi... along nk jd pengacara??
umi: along.. pengacara tu kan krja glamor... 
me: ala mi.. pengacara utk program remaja ke... atau yg brmanfaat cam fingertips tu ke??
umi: ???.....

maybe this is something called
hehe.. :D
maybe only me??
i dunno...

i'm just kidding LOL

don't take it seriously guys...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

towards Mardhatillah..~

~Allahumma solli ala saiyidina Muhammad...~

Assalamualaikum guys...
Today i've finished reading 'musafir perindu'..
i think about it lots of time...
i really want to be that girl...
who deserved such a great man...

and finally i realized that..
i'm on the wrong path..
i've changed...
since i moved here...
this hamidiah's world...

and finally..
i wandered...
and i really want to be closer to Him...
and this maulidurrasul day make me wonder a lot...
about the difference that happen after i entered maahad..
i've really change...

and i miss prophet Muhammad a lot..
i really want to be a good ummah...
and a good calipha....

i think and think...
every time i felt like i'm a step closer to Allah...
i thought about Kisas...
my heart says that i really want to go there..

i want to feel the ukhwah and mahabbah that has been practised by them...
the responsible of being a good da'ie on this earth...

if i don't have the opportunity to go there...
maybe there's reason behind them...
the Hikmah...
i will accept any results that have been arranged by Him...
insya Allah...

I really want to change...
and i hope that i will finally made it with the other caliphas that He sent to accompany me along the journey ...
insya Allah.. ^_^ 

Saturday, February 4, 2012


assalamualaikum guys...
it's a very fine day ..
i've got the chance to witness two couples get married..
how amazin' was that huh??

my prayer for them is:
Ya Allah
bless these couples..
they married in order to have your bless..
bless them with love and harmony...
till the end of their lives..

thanks to Norul Madihah for invitin' me.. ^_^
nice wedding gurl!!

for the couples: