Friday, February 17, 2012

cHeERy mOmENts~

Assalamualaikum guys...
it's a wonderful morning isn't it??
just this morning,
after umi and i finished praying...
we had a chit chat....
i told umi that i love to use the 'guys' word to begin my speech...
and umi suddenly said...
isn't 'guys' means for boys???
and i was just like....

Ya Allah...
my blogs???
i used the words every time i began my entry ...
huhu tetibe je panik..~

so i finally took a thesaurus and searched for the meaning...
okay, google translate did not help much.... -_- < doing-doing >
'guy' means man or boy...
but 'guys' means man and woman that we're talking to ( informally )
so it's fine then...
and i was just like phewww~

it's so great to begin the day with funny things..
i love it...
it wipe away all-the-unpleasant-mood..
wHaT a rEAllY nICe DaY :)

still want to share with you some knowledge...
about dakwah,,

in dakwah,
there are two persons involve...
the daei ( the advicer/messenger) and the mad'u (the target)...
after reading Hilal's books...
i realize that there's two types of dakwah method...
first: we give them answers
second: we ask them back with questions

the rational for the second option is that the mad'u can realize their own mistakes and find the answers to their questions themselves ...

someone ask why can't we just break the rules??
i said: imagine... there are many cars in the road and all the drivers have the same thought like you...they have their OWN priorities...everybody becomes selfish.. you think what will happen next???

can you see that it is related??
and the answer to my question is the answer to the mad'u question...
and from both questions,
he or she can relate the rational of the answers according to their own understanding...
and it also makes them to think further and further

in a simple word..
asking our mad'u to think by their own is a good option...
i'm not saying that telling them the answer is not good..
both method can be used according to the condition...

for wise/impatient people,
i prefer method two...
but for those who really having hard times...
maybe i will used method first...

it's up to you guys..
just spread the dakwah okay??

and just remember that
to understand Islam deeply may be hard...
but to live without it is much harder..

that's all...

Subhanakallahhumma wabihamdika,
Asyhadualla ilaaha illa anta,
Astaghfiruka waatubuilaik,
Wasallallahu ala saiyidina Muhammad,
Wa ala alihi wasahbihi wasallam....

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