Saturday, March 31, 2012

sayang IBS!!! ^_^

Assalamualaikum guys...
x kesahlah org ckp ape kan...
IBS thn ni teruk... x perform..bising...
aq x kesah.. 
bcoz, u know what??
this is my IBS yg pling happening n ceria...
seronok gler!! serius...
klu korg duduk ngan kitorg, konpem x ngantok...
blaja chemist, bio n MM!
hehe.. ade gak subjek yg ngantok sket2x..
tp dsebabkan ke'happening'an IBS tu...
aq rase seronok je setiap hari...
i love my class and my classmates...
everything is AWESOME!
x taula thn dpn aq stay kat IBS dgn org2x yg same lg ke x...
tp thn ni,,
aq nk try yg TERBAEKK!!

nnnnnn hari tu!
aq kesian gler tgok muka diorg yg x sabo nk tgok prlawann bola sepak...
mcm2x plan depa buat...
menyorokla.. nk kluar sorg2xla...(yela, klu x leh scr brjemaah baik sorg2x)
tp x jadi gak...
last2x diorg give up.. smua muke toya...
aq fhm gak ap yg diorg rase..
sbb klu blh, aq pun nk pgi tgok prlawanan bola sepak tuh.. :D
yela.. i kan peminat bola sepak...>_<
dhla wktu akhir,, ckgu x de pulak tu... 
mmg terbaekla...
tp naseb bek thn ni aq jd pkt...
so, kenala brtanggungjawab.. >o<
last2x smua kna duduk dlm klas...
boring lorhhhh
pkt pun garang bukan men lagi...(serba salah sedikit)
x pe la.. bknnye padang international pun...
pdg maahad je...
x de CR pun...
rule is rule kan???
anyway perangai diorg yg childish and kelakar amat BEST!
it makes my day lighten up and happy je.... 
kekadang sakit perut dgr lawak diorg...
really love IBS!! 
4 IBS 2012 is AWESOME <3<3<3<3

eh budak gemokkk, nk join kitorg ke?? :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

10 things to do~

Assalamualaikum guys...
hri ni... cbe korg imagine...
klu aq suruh korg tles 10 bnda yg korg nk buat dlm hidup korg...
ape yg korg tles???
klu aq,,,

1) Beli DSLR yg cun n gler mahal...
2) Shopping baju, seluar and tudung yg mmg serius cun..
3) Cari n beli beberapa jenis kasut yg aq dh lme idamkan..hehe e.g: stilleto...
4) Bina beberapa jenis rumah yg aq dah lme idamkan... so, aq ade byk rmh..
5) Borong smua produk SKII
6) Aq nk pantai dan gunung persendirian spy aq blh lepak kat situ n jerit sekuat hati...
7) Aq nk beli satu gelongsor mcm kat Pusat Sains Negara tu.. tp lg besar... pstu aq nak naik sorg2x ;)
8) Beli kuda coklat yg cool gler... 
9) Pergi New York n borong handbag, dompet n perfume yg awesome gler kat sane..
10) Bina sekolah yg asing boys n gurls pstu trtutup n yg penting skali,,, TAKDE HOMEWORK!!! then aq pun nk skola kt situ.. ;D

korg dah buat korg punyer belom??
klu belom jgn bace yg bawah ni...
kalau dah...

Sekarang aq nk bgtau korg sesuatu...
katakanlah korg akan mati pd hari esok...
ap 10 perkara yg korg nk buat???
kalau aq,,,

1) Minta maaf byk2x kat smua org...
2) Hafal Al-Qur'an
3) Derma duit aq byk2x..
4) Daftar utk derma organ2x aq kat org yg sakit... tp dgn syarat!! org tu mstilah islam dn akan mggunakan organ aq sebaiknye....
5) Bgtau kat org2x yg aq sayang betapa aq sayang sgt kat diorg...
6) Istighfar banyak2x atas kesalahan yg aq prnah wat kt dunia...
7) Byk dekatkan diri dgn Allah...
8) Kalau sempat kahwin, kahwin... even for -24 hours... ;)
9) Luangkan byk masa dgn org yg aq sayang...
10) Bgtau org lain ap kesalahan diorg yg ptut diperbaiki... kira wasiat la ni.. :B

cbe korg fikir blik...
byk kan bnda yg mmg completely bercanggah...
itulah bezanya, sekiranya kite igt mati ataupun tidak...
so,, korg smua kan pndai...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

aq rindu gler nk blogging!!~

Assalamualaikum guys...
Alhamdulillah the good news is my father is recovering!! :) I am really grateful because Allah give us the second chance to be a happy family...Praise for Allah...
and today we also have the debate practise  but i'm not going to say anything about it....
so,,, what we're going to talk about??
actually i still want to improve myself from the aspect of clumsiness...
i always feel clumsy and things always didn't go right when i am clumsy..
so i better improve that thing...

i dunno..
but friendship is complicated...
because it's really hard for me to declare somebody as my 'friend'...
have you been heard of 'not glitter are gold'...
so i am being really choosy when it comes about friends...
i  found out some that always stand besides me in the horror and sad time...
and i really appreciate that...
it's a nature for friends to backup each other isn't it??
so.. if i make mistakes... i am truly sorry...
it just that sometimes we do make mistakes cause we're not perfect...
i did a bad mistakes...
really bad that it hurts my buddy...
to see someone you love in hurt also means that you feel hurt too...
so.. to my-dearest-lovely-buddy...
i'm sorry and if you cannot forgive me it's okay..
because i understand that you hurt and you'll take time to recover...
knowing that i have declare you as my buddy..
it's hard to see you in gloom...
i am truly sorry and i really mean it...
always love you...
may you always been protected by Allah The Almighty...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Finally.. It's the real FRIDAY!! ;)

~ske sgt gmba nih~

Assalamualaikum guys!!
hari ni aq ad byk story nk share ngan korg...

1) debate!
i dunno why,,
but debate on Friday is always A.W.E.S.O.M.E..
fhm x awesome???
x kesahla camne pun...
tp aq mmg sgt2x sukeeee debate hri jumaat...
sbb dye mcm satu rutin..
and i love rutine sooo much..
klu hri len tu kengkadang aq x de mood...
jd x smgt nk debate...
n plg obvious skali slalunye otak aq jammed...
pening kepala kut....

2) duty...
cam biase..
kblkangan ni aq asyik migrain je..
kay, maybe bkn migrain tp sakit kepala...
slalunye klu aq jln diam je aq akn pke..
ape yg aq kna buat?? lps ni nk buat ap?? ap bnda yg prlu utk improve kls?? ble nk wat blog PSS?? Aq rindu gler PSS...
tp aq ok je kot...
stiap peristiwa mengajar kite mnjadi lebiyh baek...
x gitu??

~senyumlah...wlupun korg pkai braces~

3) hidayah~
agaknye bnde ni kut yg plg aq ske hari Jumaat ni...
igt lg x psl 'that person' yg aq crush hri tu??
sbnrnye many things happen recently n aq pun rase cam x prlu aq ske dye sbb dye baik...
bknla kte kna ske org jahat... tp..
ad certain time aq nk brubah jd baik spy aq dpt jd cam dye...
dn akhirnye aq realize yg x prlu aq brubah sbb dye...
nnt x istiqamah...
lgpun aq nk brubah krn aq betul2x insaf..
so, aq da eliminate that feelings...
now my day get back to normal...

byk btul kebetulan yg brlaku...
smuanye sbb Allah nk igtkan aq spy  dekat kpdNya...
insyaAllah.. lps ni kna fokus blaja lg utk tgkatkan pemahaman...
aq nk jd mcm Amirul Ikhwan...
dri thn lps aq asyik pke camni...
tp azam x kuat kan??
x pe.. thn ni aq cbe yg trbaik insyaAllah..
semoga Dia menunjukkan jalan yg terbaik...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

proud to be myself ;)

Assalamualaikum guys!! ;)
i feel so happy today... really happy...
why?? because finally i've made my own decision and  i stick to it...
you know what i mean??
actually being a assistant class monitor is very challenging for me...
now i know that my leadership skills is very low.. ;D OMK!(stands 4 oh mak kau by mimi ismail)
but it's okay because i really want to improve my leadership skills..
yela.. sape x nk jd pemimpin kan???
mmg dh naluri lahir kt dunia ni utk jd pemimpin...
it's like you've born to be a leader...
so why don't you give a try and improve your skills??
i admit that it's hard to satisfy everybody...
and the responsibilities of  being a leader are also challenging...
sometimes other people choose to take safe path by resigning from being a leader..
i almost do that earlier..
but you know what..
i never want to quit my debate because i'm not a quitter...
same with my responsibilities...
whatever they've said...
i've done my best and i will always try to give my best...
and it's my job to decide things so, everybody must tolerate with it...
unless the majority of the class reject my decision...
then, i will consider of other options...
and today,
i feel very proud to make the final decision...
they cannot doubt it because it's a fair situation and everybody has to face the same things..
so do my team mates and i...
we also face the same things...
so it's not bias..
i always want to improve myself so i'll be a better person..
that's all guys..
wish me the best in both of my life...fiddunia walakhirah ..
insya Allah.. Assalamualaikum.. ;)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

buat hamba Allah~

Assalamualaikum... ini ad satu kisah utk dikongsi khas utk sahabat2x ana..

-Kisah Anak Soleh

Nabi Musa adalah satu-satunya Nabi yang boleh bercakap terus dengan Allah S.W.T. Setiap kali dia hendak bermunajat, Nabi Musa akan naik ke Bukit Tursina. Di atas bukit itulah dia akan bercakap dengan Allah. Nabi Musa sering bertanya dan Allah akan menjawab pada waktu itu juga. Inilah kelebihannya yang tidak ada pada nabi-nabi lain.

Suatu hari Nabi Musa telah bertanya kepada Allah. "Ya Allah, siapakah orang di syurga nanti yang akan berjiran dengan aku?".

Allah pun menjawab dengan mengatakan nama orang itu, kampung serta tempat tinggalnya. Setelah mendapat jawapan, Nabi Musa turun dari Bukit Tursina dan terus berjalan mengikut tempat yang diberitahu. Setelah beberapa hari di dalam perjalanan akhirnya sampai juga Nabi Musa ke tempat berkenaan.

Dengan pertolongan beberapa orang penduduk di situ, beliau berjaya bertemu dengan orang tersebut. Setelah memberi salam beliau dipersilakan masuk dan duduk di ruang tamu.

Tuan rumah itu tidak melayan Nabi Musa. Dia masuk ke dalam bilik dan melakukan sesuatu di dalam. Sebentar kemudian dia keluar sambil membawa seekor babi betina yang besar. Babi itu didukungnya dengan cermat. Nabi Musa terkejut melihatnya. "Apa hal ini?� kata Nabi Musa berbisik dalam hatinya penuh kehairanan.

Babi itu dibersihkan dan dimandikan dengan baik. Setelah itu babi itu dilap sampai kering serta dipeluk cium kemudian dihantar semula ke dalam bilik. Tidak lama kemudian dia keluar sekali lagi dengan membawa pula seekor babi jantan yang lebih besar. Babi itu juga dimandikan dan dibersihkan. Kemudian dilap hingga kering dan dipeluk serta cium dengan penuh kasih sayang. Babi itu kemudiannya dihantar semula ke bilik.

Selesai kerjanya barulah dia melayan Nabi Musa. "Wahai saudara! Apa agama kamu?". "Aku agama Tauhid", jawab pemuda itu iaitu agama Islam. "Habis, mengapa kamu membela babi? Kita tidak boleh berbuat begitu." Kata Nabi Musa.

"Wahai tuan hamba", kata pemuda itu. "Sebenarnya kedua babi itu adalah ibubapa kandungku. Oleh kerana mereka telah melakukan dosa yang besar, Allah telah menukarkan rupa mereka menjadi babi yang hodoh rupanya. Soal dosa mereka dengan Allah itu soal lain. Itu urusannya dengan Allah. Aku sebagai anaknya tetap melaksanakan kewajipanku sebagai anak. Hari-hari aku berbakti kepada kedua ibubapaku sepertimana yang tuan hamba lihat tadi. Walaupun rupa mereka sudah menjadi babi, aku tetap melaksanakan tugasku.", sambungnya.

"Setiap hari aku berdoa kepada Allah agar mereka diampunkan. Aku bermohon supaya Allah menukarkan wajah mereka menjadi manusia yang sebenar, tetapi Allah masih belum memakbulkan lagi.", tambah pemuda itu lagi.

Maka ketika itu juga Allah menurunkan wahyu kepada Nabi Musa a.s. 'Wahai Musa, inilah orang yang akan berjiran dengan kamu di Syurga nanti, hasil baktinya yang sangat tinggi kepasa kedua ibubapanya. Ibubapanya yang sudah buruk dengan rupa babi pun dia berbakti juga. Oleh itu Kami naikkan maqamnya sebagai anak soleh disisi Kami."

Allah juga berfirman lagi yang bermaksud : "Oleh kerana dia telah berada di maqam anak yang soleh disisi Kami, maka Kami angkat doanya. Tempat kedua ibubapanya yang Kami sediakan di dalam neraka telah Kami pindahkan ke dalam syurga."

Itulah berkat anak yang soleh. Doa anak yang soleh dapat menebus dosa ibubapa yang akan masuk ke dalam neraka pindah ke syurga. Ini juga hendaklah dengan syarat dia berbakti kepada ibubapanya. Walaupun hingga ke peringkat rupa ayah dan ibunya seperti babi. Mudah-mudahan ibubapa kita mendapat tempat yang baik di akhirat kelak.

Walau bagaimana buruk sekali pun perangai kedua ibubapa kita itu bukan urusan kita, urusan kita ialah menjaga mereka dengan penuh kasih sayang sebagaimana mereka menjaga kita sewaktu kecil hingga dewasa.

Walau banyak mana sekali pun dosa yang mereka lakukan, itu juga bukan urusan kita, urusan kita ialah meminta ampun kepada Allah S.W.T supaya kedua ibubapa kita diampuni Allah S.W.T.

Doa anak yang soleh akan membantu kedua ibubapanya mendapat tempat yang baik di akhirat, inilah yang dinanti-nantikan oleh para ibubapa di alam kubur.

Erti sayang seorang anak kepada ibu dan bapanya bukan melalui hantaran wang ringgit, tetapi sayang seorang anak pada kedua ibubapanya ialah dengan doanya supaya kedua ibubapanya mendapat tempat yang terbaik di sisi Allah.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

admist ambition and ability..

Assalamualaikum guys...
sbnrnye... aq da lame trsepit antara cita2x aq yg mmg aq sgt2x minat dan kemampuan aq utk dptkan bnda tuh...
dri skola rendah lagi aq prefer nk jadi forensic scientist...
siap berucap depan Rosmah lagi..
masuk NST tu.. ;D
anyway, syra kate bdg forensik ni trhad kat Malaysia...
selalunye, org yg jd forensik kat Malaysia ni org yg kursus dua mggu je...( mereka yg klu ikut prosedur luar negara mmg x layak langsung jd forensik )
and then terus jd forensik... 
hey i'm serious x nk jd forensik utk gaji buta camtu...
aq nk jd forensik utk menegakkan keadilan utk mangsa2x...
aq x mau kna rasuah sana sini...
itula yg berlaku kat Malaysia...
they take those stupid people and only in two weeks they've turn them into a forensic scientist..
klula bidang forensik ni kuat kat Malaysia...
x kanla kes pembunuhan Nurin Jazlin tu mkn mase yg brbulan-bulan nk solve...
even one of my friend told me that a newspaper oversea had stated that if they handle the Nurin Jazlin case, they would have finished everything in only two weeks...
beza sgt!
klu forensik dan bdg kehakiman Malaysia telus,
msti keputusan muktamad hakim x perlu dipertikaikan lg...
tgokla kes Sosilawati, Altantuya... sampai ble nk selesai??
dah brkurun aq tggu keputusannye...
x settle2x pun??
even smpai kna import forensik dri Thailand utk selesaikan kes Teoh Beng Hock...
bkn org malaysia ni pandai ke???
mane prgi forensik2x yg sepatutnye genius malah lebih genius dri para doktor...

so, aq pun lm dilemma sekali gus mematikan niat aq nk jd forensik...
mak aq pun galakkan aq jd children psychologist cam dye..
mak aq kate.. org perempuan x sesuai krja bz2x...
i totally agree with that..
but i am really passionate for this job...
dri segi ability and speciality aq,,
mmg aq sndiri x nafikan aq ske bce personaliti org...
gerak geri org...
and pling pntg..
aq same mcm mak aq...
aq sgt interested dgn kanak2x berkeperluan khas...
aq nk tlg nk masa hdpn kanak2x ni cerah...

~i want to help kids achieving their future~
dgn mrkah chemist and bio yg x brp memuaskan...
nmpak sgt aq kna padamkan cita2x yg selama ni aq kejar...

aq rasa lemah..
aq sndiri x tahu hala tuju aq...
then i met teacher rohaya...
teacher kata...
anything yg you minat, kalau you betul2x minat,
you must go for it...
klu you rasa yg you byk kelemahan, you baiki...
jgn give up sbb klu kite nk sesuatu tu, kite akan pastikan kite grab dye...
and one more,,
istikharah munierah...
ask for what best for you
sbb belum tntu ap yg you suke pling baik utk you...
teacher pun berkongsi tips dye...
teacher kate.. dlm solat, kite mnx dgn Allah...
spy ttpkan pilihan yg terbaik utk kite...
dan lorongkanlah jln hidup kite ni kpd pilihan yg trbaik tu...
teacher kate,,
bile kite dah brserah kpd Allah, x dpt ape yg kite nk pun...
kite akan redha 
i like that, redha...

insya Allah i will pray for what best for me...
korg pun doakan ap yg terbaik utk aq tau...

number one for me...

Assalamualaikum guys.. ;)
this moment..
i want to talk about my-dearest-lovely-mother..
My mother is a very educated and dedicated person...
it's like she's born with leadership...
she also a very lovely person yet caring too..
my friends always praise her beauty...
sometimes they've made me jealous LOL!
she's close to perfect...
she is a javanese and pure chinese mix...

apart from all those things...
there's only one thing that has made me love her soooo much...
which is her considerate attitude..
she is the only person in the world that understand me the most...
sometimes, i always thought that people might reject my bad behaviour...
but she's not..
i am a person who always depend on my mood...
when i'm in bad mood...
i will refuse to talk to anyone..
but when people still try to approach me,
sometimes i just yell at them...
it's the same with my mother...
but my mother always understand me and she never gives up..
she will always try to pursuade me and sometimes...
i hurt her... i always hurt her...
but she never shows that it's a big matter...
even if i need help, my father always refuse..
but my mother, she will say...
it's okay dear.. everybody needs help sometimes.. me either...i understand... :)
and that makes me feel double guilty for troubling her...
sometimes i ask her...
how do you feel to have a  burdening kid like me??
and she says that i never burden her.. it's normal for everybody to make mistakes...
she always say that she loves me very much although sometimes i just ignore it...
her patience for me has made me loves her sooo much..
umi, i am the luckiest person on earth to have a mother like you...
i want to be like you but i know that i cannot beat you...
thanks for lending your ears for my-never-ending-stories...
thanks for giving me a helping hand every time i was in need...

i'm really sorry for my behaviour..
i'm still growing up mum...
i will try my best to be a good kid and try not to disappoint you ...
insya Allah...

this is for you mum..
the rest of you can also check out Maher Zain's new song entitled number one for me...
just for my mum and other mums out there... 
(do not forget to click on the word cc under the video for the captions to be available..)


kesiannye diorg.. :(

~apela nasib diorg..~

Assalamualaikum guys...
td mase blik,,
aq nmpak sekor kucing nk lintas jln...
x de satu pun kereta brhenti...
trkial-kiallah kucing tu...
maybe dye nk cri mkn kut..
kesian kan???

sebagai seorg manusia,,,,
aq sgtlah x brpuas hati dgn nasib binatang2x yg trpaksa brkeliaran kt tepi jln tu...
even tough aq dh x bela kucing,,
rasa kesian tu still lg ada...
klu ex-kucing aq yg comel2x tu trpaksa mnx mknn kt rmh org...
pstu kna sepak, terajang mcm xde hrga diri...
kesian kan??
aq asyik fikir je..
knplah manusia yg menguasai bumi x prnah fikir smua ni??
mmgla ade prtubuhan2x mcm SPCA...
tp still korg perasan x...
manusia blh hidup sng lenang kat bumi...
ade mknn, tmpt tggal cun...
x pyh takut nk lari2x...
tp makhluk lain kat bumi ni,,
selambe badak je rmh diorg kna tebang...
yg lahir tnpa rmh pun ade...
di mana simpati korg manusia???
maybe kejadian ni brlaku kat negara2x x mmbgun kut...
sbb msa aq kt melbourne,
aq x nmpk satu pun kucing/anjing merayap-rayap tnpa tuan...
x de sekor pun mnx mknn kt rmh kitorg...
ble ptg2x je.... smua binatang ni ade tuan yg bawa...
diorg dijaga elok2x...
bulu pun bersih...
siap pkai kolar lg..
bwa jln2x.. lari2x...
comell sgt!
manalah kesedaran sivik org kite kan??
bkn manusia je nk hidup kat bumi ni...
sptutnye klu kite da diberi kuasa,
kite knalah brtanggungjawab dgn baik...
x blh nk nmpak baik dpn manusia je...
klu nmpak binatang, sepak je...
even Rasulullah S.A.W pun sayang binatang...
aq seriously x fhm org yg benci binatang ni...
aq sndiri mengaku yg aq mmg x ske serangga merayap dn yg seumpama dgnnye...
tp aq x de niat lgsung nk bunuh diorg...
even klu ade nyamuk pun,
aq lg suke lpskan dye...
dri tepuk dye smpi mati...

that's all...
just harap lps ni korg lebiyh mghargai makhluk Allah...
igt, bkn kte je nk hidup.. ;)

~what happen guys??~

~sggup korg biar makhluk Allah jd gelandangan camni?? T_T ~

sedih sgt....

Monday, March 19, 2012

specs?? updates?? results??

Assalamualaikum guys!!
So, ok x skin baru aq...??
aq prefer yg lame sbb tulesan dye BESAR2x..
yelahh.. aq kan cam rabun2x gitu...
aq ade spek... cume spek aq x sesuai...
so, lebih baik pkai ble emergency je...

stlh memakan mase berjam-jam... berhari-hari...
dpt jgak pilih skin yg berkenan di hati.. <3
actually aq mmg cerewet...
aq sgt menitik beratkan taste aq...
seriously ini adalah KETURUNAN..
understand?? KETURUNAN...
mak aq pun sggup keluar masuk dua - tiga shopping malls tnpa mmbeli ape2x..
sbb kasut yg sesuai dgn taste dye x de...
aq pun lebiyh kurang cemtu la..

so,, alang2x da skola nikan???
camne skola korg??
aq punye resullts... perghhh
x blh ckp... 
compare to ameer,,
mmg x setandingla...
sejarah dye 98%
most of the subject yg dpt hri ni dye sapu habis...
dahla dye KT...
(ok, terase kecik sekejap..)
aq PKT pun x secemerlang itu.. huhu...

~yeahh munn~

yg lps tu biar lepas...
but after this!!!!!


aq nk masuk tuisyen..
hehe... bajet ayat cam gempak je...

tp, seriously,, aq ske quotes bwh ni.. ;)
love it!!

kaylah! tdo awal tau...
Assalamualaikum... ;D

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Assalamualaikum guys...
i really hate the latest post on my blog actually..
x ceria.. x mcm yg sblum ni...
anyway, i believe everybody had a dark day before....
at least once in their life...
so, me either...
and my family of course..
but you know what??
the most important thing is that..
the part when you decided to recover and move on..
yeah~ life is about getting up and move on...
just like athletes..
they didn't become number one because of their talent...
but they do become number one because they didn't give up...
quitting is failure...
and my mum is recovering...
it's look like she can accept whatever that happened..
and she said that she has to be redha..
because she just lost a hand phone..
while other people out there, lost their child, husband and lots of more important things than a hand phone..
i felt relieve..
insya Allah.. waking up from a nightmare is the best things to do than being inside of it..
x pela.. post ni pown x ceria...
lepas ni insyaAllah lebih CERIA..


by the way,
check out my new header...
nk tkar blogskin tp x brkenan...
not yet maybe...
so, smpat grab satu header yg brkenan stlh berjam-jam edit blog...
last skali tkar lagu n header je...
tp blog still cun kan??
kayla guys...
gotta go to school tomorrow...
tido awal tau!
assalamualaikum.. ;)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

why?? He's teaching us something.. but i still cannot figure it out..

Assalamualaikum guys....
i'm so sorry for the late update..
actually there're few things that happened...
it's something that i least expect and it just happen...
we've just having a merry time in i-city...
i was really enjoying the moment in the ice walk..
everything seems so fine...
but at the end of the day,
my mother's and my maid's handphone was gone...
you know GONE??
we really don't want to accuse anybody...
but they look curious..
i mean the workers..
they've said that they checked the jacket  that we borrowed..
and there wasn't any phone..
we all know that it's a lie isn't it??
because the phone was there,,,
so if they've checked, they must be there..
on that day,,
we've visited two places which are Taman Empat Musim and snow walk..
my dad brings the camera but it has run out of battery...
my dad didn't realize that..
so, the camera was useless..
instead of using camera, we used our mother's phone to take pictures...
a lot of pictures...
and when the phone was missing..
i was just like WHAT???
all the pictures just GONE??
my mother was really upset until today...
she looks just fine..
but everybody know she was upset..
even though she bought new phone,
but her old phone, HTC salsa cannot be replaced..
HTC stores have run out of that model...
so my mother bought samsung G wonder..
but you know what??
she still miss her phone...
she told me again and again..
that phone was the ideal type for her..
and she seems so gloomy..
and everybody cannot stand seeing her that way...
i really beg the person who found the phone..
please return it to us..
it's not yours..
and it will never be yours...
i hope all my blog readers will also pray that the phone will be return without any harm..
most importantly with the memories...
i want the memories...
please pray together..
insyaAllah.. He will hear us..

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

:) - :D - :( = x_x = ^_^

Assalamualaikum diretioners!!
ok hri ni tkar guys kpd directioners...
x kira korg minat ke x kt ONE DIRECTION, klu da bce blog ni kna minat gak~ tehee :)
selalunye hri jumaat,, tp aq nk ckp hri ni gak..
ya pasti bisa dong.. inikan blog gue..
hah merepek!

ok hri ni ad debate meeting..
and aq pulak tersasul-sasul..
huh rase cam nk travel kt US jap,,
blaja speaking ngn derang sume n blik malaysia..
HEVOGUE doe!! :D
kay, merepek lagi!
mcm dlm debate hri nila..
aq rase aq merepek ada dlm 89% kot..
genap trusla jdi 90%...
byk betul kesalahan grammar pstu ayat merapu yg audience x fhm n aq pun x fhm..
pelik x??

cmni eh..
aq tgh ckp dgn org BUMI, tp dgn bahasa makhluk PLUTO... tp sbnrnye aq sndiri brasal dri MARIKH,,, get it??  

hai,, sy dtg nk bwa keamanan dgn dua bola air...

pelixx kan??
aq pun dh start gne bahasa gedikss2..
taula nape.. :(
sad news..
aq camne nk ckp eh..
x yah ckpla.. let it remain secret..
ok, case closed...
aq kna byk dgr org english brckp n bce bku english...
klu smpai mata aq jd biru pun x pe...
n one more..
jgn cri penyakit klu dh tau x nk sakit..

cam biase.. never give up because im not a quitter remember??


yeahhh smgt!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

sEnYUmMu sEinDAh suRIa~

smntara hri ni aq tringt...
saje nk share story kasi riya' sket...
ecehhh x insaf lg rupernye...:)

hri tu,,,
aq x mkn wktu rehat dsbbkan krja brtimbun/ade pn x psti...
lps tu aq pun sebok kaco saadah....
saadah...lapar la...x smpat mkn...T_T
kesian saadah dok sblh org mcm aq.. :B
saadah pun senyum je x tau x ckp ap...
aq pnye lapar mengalahkan org somalia x mkn brbulan-bulan...
x brsyukur nyela aq nikan???

and scr tetiberrr...
tok tok tok...
kls 4 ibs sila prgi bilik rawatan..
(actually ayat dye x dela skema cenggitu..)
kitorg pun riuh rendah merenungkan nasib x sental gigi bersih2x subuh td... ^0^
dgn thp confident aq yg dh smpi pinggang...
aq pun join diorg..
tetibe!!! jeng jeng jeng!!
doctor: hygiene, very good, maintain your brushing.....
aq pun dgn trsgtlah bggenye... trus senyum smpi cuping telinga...
tp lps tu,,, trus mls nk gosok gigi mmndangkan nk jmpe doctor tu sethn lg.. :D
just kidding~
bersiwak tu kan sunnah...
Rasulullah telah bersabda: sekiranya bersiwak itu tidak menyusahkan,, sudah tntunye ia diwajibkan...

hebat x??
gosok gigi/ brsiwak tu hmpir jd amalan wajib lo!!
mulai hari ini...
jom kte rajin gosokgigi spy senyuman kte seindah DARLIE!! hehe

cantik kan gigi dye??

gigi dye pun cantik!!

dye rajin gosok gigi tau!!

alamak!! jgn tiru tau! :D

jom gosok gigi!!!

pOst yG x dSeNGajAkan..~

~saya lapar!!~

Assalamualaikum guys...
x taula nk update ape..
tp mmndgkan pembaca-setia-blog-aq @k@ my best frenz, syraqari request spy aq slalu update blog...
so aq pun menyediakan post ini...

kay guys...
now i'm at my village and guess what??
i guess i'm getting an extra 1-2 kg at LEAST...
dahla ckgu nk wat segak..
trcemar reputasi 'A' aq... ( ecehh bajet cergas!! :b )
dsebabkan x prgi merentas desa hri tu,,,
aq pun srba salah krn mmbiarkan lemak2x aq brparti dgn gumbirenye...
so,,, aq pun mmsg cita2 dn azam...
utk excercise plg krg 15 min sehari...

on the first day: ( sebuk ajak org len..)
me: angah,, dh gemoklakan... wlupun makin comellll..(ayat tmbhn utk selingan..) :B
angah: agakla...
me: jom exercise nk x??
angah: blh gak... tp ble??
me: angah kan slalu blik ptg lmbat... kte exercise pagila.. kul  3 aci x??
angah : ooo blh2x... jomla.. set jam tau..

next morning (going to school)...
tengg tenenenggg~ { ringtone i believe } 
me: ala... x yahla bgun..penat je...nnt ngantok nk blaja...
pap! alarm pun mati.. 

then, bgunla pagi mcm biase... x jd nk wat rutin-rajin-bgun-pagi...

my dietary project neva succeed...
but my-kegemukan-project-yg-tdak-drancang...
slalu 'trjadi' dgn sendirinye...
pndaikan dye??? otomatik...
it's so natural~
cehh ckp ayat tu mcm nk sgt jd gemokksss....

x pe.. lps ni,,, pndai2xla aq lari kt treadmill tu...
lgpun da brhabuk aq tgok...
hehe... almaklumlah.. tuan dye x rajin nk brsenam...

ok treadmill!! psni kte akn sntiasa brsama!!
x 24 jam pun,,, 15min jadilah..

to kwn2x aq kt luar sane yg nk mnjaga kesehatan bdan tu...
jomla join aq...
kte cbe amalkan sunnah: mkn sblum lapar...n stop sblum kenyang...
pstu bykkan prgerakan spy metabolisma kte tggi...
~nk tu metabolism tu ape.. search sndiri..~


comel cam aq~ :)

x comellll !! obese!! x nk jd camni...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

hating it really necessary??

Assalamualaikum guys...
while i was watching 'LorongWaktu' last week...
there was a hadis that attract my attention...

The hadis sounded like this :
From prophet Muhammad PBUH:
Don't love something too much because there will be a day that you will hate them.  
and don't hate something too much because there will be a day that you will love them...

i keep thinking the meaning behind this hadis...
and i thought that it would be really scary to love someone whom you hate and to hate someone whom you love..

but if we think rationally...
it's true that when we really love something,
it would be very painful when we actually have to hate them...
isn't it??
the same goes for things that you hate...

the moral of the story is...
accept it and practise it because islam is the most proper way to live the life...

that's all guys...
btw, short post je hri ni sbb x skolah...teheee~
p/s: think twice before you want to hate someone..
Assalamualaikum... :D

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

i CaLLed iT ikHLaS~

Assalamualaikum guys...
today i want to share with you a part of my journey as a daei..
I BELIEVE that everybody needs peace..
maybe more than i do..
it just that it is so hard to get 'the-real-peace' ...
many try to find it other ways...
and they end up regretting their life..

but i won't...
i know that i really need it... 
because i can feel the emptiness in my heart...
i admit it that i CAN see 'the peace..'

but it's not inside of me...

that person had taught me many things...

~you will always in peace when you are ikhlas...
~ikhlas WILL produce peace..

 i cannot lie to myself that i want to change because of that person...
yeah.. that human... :(
i see that the person is so islamic ...
so i want to be like that person...
but you know,,
when you rely on anything except Allah...
it wouldn't last...
it will fade.. vanish or die....
in order to reach the-real-peace..
we must always be sincere because of Allah..

take me as example..
i am changing not because of Allah..
so it's hard to get the ikhlas...

so my friends...
let's renew out niat...

Diriwayatkan dari Amir al-Mukminin (pemimpin kaum beriman) Abu Hafsh Umar bin al-Khattab radhiyallahu’anhu beliau mengatakan : Aku mendengar Rasulullahshallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Sesungguhnya setiap amalan harus disertai dengan niat. Setiap orang hanya akan mendapatkan balasan tergantung pada niatnya. Barangsiapa yang hijrah karena cinta kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya maka hijrahnya akan sampai kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya karena menginginkan perkara dunia atau karena wanita yang ingin dinikahinya, maka hijrahnya (hanya) mendapatkan apa yang dia inginkan.” (HR. Bukhari [Kitab Bad'i al-Wahyi, hadits no. 1, Kitab al-Aiman wa an-Nudzur, hadits no. 6689] dan Muslim [Kitab al-Imarah, hadits no. 1907]).

i will try my best...
maybe it's time to stop observing that person so that i will have the determination to search for the peace by my own....
pray the best for me guys... ;)
xoxo always-love-you-guys!!