Wednesday, March 7, 2012

i CaLLed iT ikHLaS~

Assalamualaikum guys...
today i want to share with you a part of my journey as a daei..
I BELIEVE that everybody needs peace..
maybe more than i do..
it just that it is so hard to get 'the-real-peace' ...
many try to find it other ways...
and they end up regretting their life..

but i won't...
i know that i really need it... 
because i can feel the emptiness in my heart...
i admit it that i CAN see 'the peace..'

but it's not inside of me...

that person had taught me many things...

~you will always in peace when you are ikhlas...
~ikhlas WILL produce peace..

 i cannot lie to myself that i want to change because of that person...
yeah.. that human... :(
i see that the person is so islamic ...
so i want to be like that person...
but you know,,
when you rely on anything except Allah...
it wouldn't last...
it will fade.. vanish or die....
in order to reach the-real-peace..
we must always be sincere because of Allah..

take me as example..
i am changing not because of Allah..
so it's hard to get the ikhlas...

so my friends...
let's renew out niat...

Diriwayatkan dari Amir al-Mukminin (pemimpin kaum beriman) Abu Hafsh Umar bin al-Khattab radhiyallahu’anhu beliau mengatakan : Aku mendengar Rasulullahshallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Sesungguhnya setiap amalan harus disertai dengan niat. Setiap orang hanya akan mendapatkan balasan tergantung pada niatnya. Barangsiapa yang hijrah karena cinta kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya maka hijrahnya akan sampai kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya karena menginginkan perkara dunia atau karena wanita yang ingin dinikahinya, maka hijrahnya (hanya) mendapatkan apa yang dia inginkan.” (HR. Bukhari [Kitab Bad'i al-Wahyi, hadits no. 1, Kitab al-Aiman wa an-Nudzur, hadits no. 6689] dan Muslim [Kitab al-Imarah, hadits no. 1907]).

i will try my best...
maybe it's time to stop observing that person so that i will have the determination to search for the peace by my own....
pray the best for me guys... ;)
xoxo always-love-you-guys!!

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