Wednesday, December 4, 2013

After SPM - day 1

so. officially. spm. is. over.
and i just couldn't describe what i'm feelin
i'm like god! byk gler bnda nk buat lps ni!!!
there are sooo many things that i wanna do before tp x dpt sbb time constriction..
so smlm finally, after 3 yrs x pakai inai sbb tkut kena demerit, i got to wear it! muahahaha..
and today...

kitorg satu kelas pergi mid valley!!!
tau tak it's very hard for my parents to let me hang out with my friends..
and today after pujuk pnye pujuk..
alhamdulillah dpt prgi..
pstu umi n adik2 pun ikut tp kitorg pisah2..
my mom n sis pergi shopping n i got to chill with ma friends..

and u just don't know what im feelin...
i'm just sooo grateful that this moment, the last one to spend with my buddies,
i got to be a part of it..
i'm sooo over the galaxy, moon and sun :DDD

and, aq kagum gler dgn putera2 ibs..
like seriously, hands down..
plg trbaik aq prnh kenal..
dgn semangatnye,
bagus ah..
mmg ptut dipuji..

n aq dpt hadiah request pricey..
pstu xpayah bayar blk n im like...
smpi skrg lg excited..
like, the thing yg aq mmg nakkkk sgt...
pstu dpt..
it's like dreams come true..
muahahaha thx idris :D

n tadi,
kitorg main boling..
aq smpi lmbt sket sbb mak aq krja..
tp lmbt x lmbt, asal dpt hang out ngn dorg pn aq dh brsyukur dah..

yg plg lawak skali,
aq ngn sarah main boling serentak,
sorg satu lane..
serentak kitorg baling, serentak jugak dua2x masuk longkang..
blh kata hmpir smua yg kitorg baling msuk longkang..
nmpk x chemistry kt situ?
main boling pn same je..
dua2 ke longkang..

pstu yb ngn atiqah plak power gler main..
atiqah, bak kata yb..
ada satu bola azimat ni..
klu atiqah baling je, konfem.
aq pun nk try tp x jadi..
memang sahla.. bola tu nk atiqah je baling..

last but not least,
makan2 with sarah, syra n my gossip girl, aina amirah,
aq rse kitorg pnye kecoh borak2x tu, satu kedai makan blh dgr..
smpi org yg kat hujung tu pun pndg2 je..
pstu pakcik yg lalu pun pndg..
huah. malu lol...

blk tu angah ckp, angah yg pkai earphone pun blh dgr suara along kuat..
agaknye.. simptom speaker masjid sarah dh berjangkit kt aq kut..

lps ni mgkin speaker masjid dh x sme uni ngn aq..
so, aq knala practise jd speaker masjid spy x rindu sgt nnt :')

btw thx
fizah, sarah, farhah, nab2, yb, atiqah, nili,n yg lain2
cuz u made my day :)

hmm anyway,
i still have some times to spend with ma friends before we all terbang mmbawa diri..
so i gotta use it wisely and fill it with beautiful memories..
oyeah n i have a few plans for this loooong holiday but i just feel that it's not quite right to tell it first cuz maybe x jadi nnt..
so.. tgoklah mcm mana..
it's just tht
so far i'm SOOO GOOD :D

thts all.. byeeee :DD

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